Chapters for BIG REX
Chapters 1 and 2 >
Chapters 3 and 4
Chapters 5 and 6
Chapters 7 and 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
CHAPTER 14 & 15
chapter 17
Chapter 16
[ 430 ]Good evening, again friends and another good alternate Fractal Fractkasode, guaranteed to now, to blow your Fractal mind, in a time outside of time where dwellers make mad love, kiss, and caress undress, all the while hidden in the background, unknown to them, they are about to die a horrible Fractal death! Where are they? Where are they not? In a place of eminent dark incoming, danger, deep danger! But, guess what? They don't know it? They're busy in romance without a chance to see the oncoming danger! Kiss! Kiss! Kissy, Kiss! Fractal lovers! Here it comes! Ready or not? It will be a fractal surprise for them! Now we look in on them! They will love, and they will play, they will open the closet and die today! Open terror comes their way! This is going to be a very black day! Welcome, friends, welcome back to you all! The great ages, full of fractal sages warns one to be bold! This story is sexy. This story is bad, this story will twist and drive you mad! Being inside an insane asylum isn't all that bad! Really? Read on if you dare! The story starts out light, lots of laughter, then it gets dark, then it gets black, then you die! Good bye!
If you're not feeling well, a little sexy medicine from hell, yes, might be just what the doctor ordered!
The fractal door creaks opens ever so slowly once more! Look yes you look!
Gaze into eternity, invisible and alone, gaze in to eternity and see, stories to frighten and make you sigh, stories to make you ask the questions why? Stories of hate, stories that make you want to debate the reason and where with all of your fate! Stories that search, quests that dare to inquirer into your very private hidden puddles of desire. Desire Can behavioral desirers societal intimate be, the spoonful of poison that kills thee?
[ 431 ]
The Tender Side
"Beware of the man who owns his brain, to you he will appear insane"
But parental warning! Real torrid love stories not suitable for the fractally fragile and mentally immature!
Their love making interlude, the veracious male assigned himself to right rig mount the channel of his chosen female, then his left channel's female, and the right, left right reciprocated, both exercised till exasperated, satiated him then all together hell spent and energy-less, fell like limp weak loved out rag dolls upon the bedsheets red, in a romantic dream of bliss in this special bed, slept quiet, kissed, and long after their love interlude ended, nothing did they miss, but they awoke refreshed, got dressed and took a stroll to clear the head and minds, and seek some fresh air without a care, and satisfy their love of life and their shared curiosity, about their immediate surroundings around the outside of the trailer.
They're, as anyone could imagine, were innately joyously feeling good, smiling joking, and noisily nosey to taste the challenge of this new worlds exploration.
[ 432 ]
However, as this mad trio of newly weds, they were still, needless to say, still more than a little bit inebriated, and not paying to much attention to where they were and how they walking, or going, and while they were meandering and staggering around the mountain side outside something, something happened. Something?
Their directionless haphazard trekking, perchance fractally lead them by and by into the denizen of unforgiving time.
The unforeseen. The moment of an encounter with none other than an unexpected Fractal reality time!
Then, then, as if on-Q, from the not to far off sea, a sudden breeze blew in, came from no where, and in the winds came sounds of something like, like a cat meowing!
And it could be heard blowing in the wind far off sounding like, †† Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducK, Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducKs ††
For, as things would have it, it turns out , that very day, that very instant in time, they were destined to stumble up against something that would change everything. Change them, and change the world as they knew it forever and ever and ever and ever!
†† Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducK, Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducKs ††
†† Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducK, Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducKs ††
[ 433 ]
Funny what happens sometimes! You see something. You get a feeling in your stomach about something and, and its hard to explain, but, its like a cold finger pressing on your brain, making you think you're insane! Watch out! Like cold ice, you get a nervous chill. You don't know why? You see stuff, then what was normal, suddenly isn't. Normal can change! Change, like night and day.
And the funny thing is, you find it hard to believe, really hard, much less understand.
How can winds make sounds, make sounds, make voices like that? Are we imagining things? Are we hearings things, thinks BR? He is one confused cowboy. He tilts his head upwards slowly. Takes his time looking around. His eyes look around searching. He looks at the surface of the Earth high up in the sky!
He scratches his forehead and asks why? Nervous, he pulls out a cigarette from his shirt pocket, lights up, exhales, looks down as he is thinking hard. He lifts his head up again, and with wide eyes looks for an answer . He searches the sky desperately for an answer. He knows he's heard something. He stands there scratching his chin, looking at the earth above high above him! He asked Saddie and Boccia if they had heard it! No, they say they didn't hear anything! Could it be, could it really be his imagination? Can't be real? All of this, can't be. The wind blows through trees, over leaves, over thoughts and things, and deeds, we cannot conceive and speak to us in strange, strange, strange ways, ponders BR, to himself. Strange ways indeed!
He dismisses the sounds in his head, and takes another drag on his cigarette, breathes in and relaxes, and lets his mind move on. Let his mind let go! Shit, he thinks, he's got a lot of things to be happy about! He is blessed, he messed up, he knows it and shows it. But, he hopes his ladies don't know it or realize that! They do of course but, he doesn't dwell on that. Not now!
Yes, he realizes he's a nut case, but to him , he thinks he is a blessed nut case.
All and all despite it all, BR, says to himself in his private, private thoughts, he's got it all, and feels dam happy about that ! They left the comfort of the trailer to come take a look around and see what they could see in this land of mystery!
The time is really good. They feel happy, as happy as a bunch of little school kids playing in a playground. But this playground, this playground, they are playing in is real. Real dangerous. This playground is located on the edge of Fractal hyperbolic space in their minds in Fractal reality time, that is, this, this new world! They had just finish making love, a little while ago, and are grateful for that, and are all smiling, and their hearts are filled with contentment and are bonding in a way few people ever get!They are hopeful for a better tomorrow and want so much to enjoy the time they have together, one day at a time. The air feels great too! It is feels clean, and fresh, and the wind is lapping against their faces and blowing through their hair, making them feel great like they don't have a care!
[ 434 ]
They continue wandering around, sometimes holding each other, sometimes playing with each other, sometimes they are far apart, and separate! Some times, they were stopping to bend down and look at the details of this strange new landscape from the bottom of the sea, and this Earth turned inside out looking like deaths misery! There on the surface where they are roaming about, they come across the strangest rock formations in all sizes, and colors and truly, very weird rocks crystals shaped like long webbed fingers, with faces on it, in all the wrong places, and old shiny strings, spread out along the ground in all directions, as if something big was bleeding.
There were lots of strange combinations of new Earth rocks and stones, with intricate textures on them, like one would find on a pineapple, rough and sharp, beautiful, and all in glass.
All this, all of these treasures for the eye to behold, were forged into existence by the clash of high temperatures untold, when the Earth, when the Earth broke apart.
Some are the size of buildings. Some are the size of marbles, and in other areas they are the size of grains of sand! But amazingly, the predominant over all color of everything was white, ash white in some places, pure white in others, and for as far as the eye could see, for miles and miles, this land is the land for sure inter-twined with their destiny.
They'd stop and check out everything. And were as curious as can be. Big Rex, and his two wives Boccia and Saddie, are happy, joking around and just chilling out, sharing some quality time with each other, playing around, doing silly things like trying to push one another to fall down! BR, would at times, would act silly like a clown! Doing the fun time things memories are made of, and little by little they are wandering farther, and farther away from the trailer!
And they, kept walking and slowly they wandered out on vast wide vista of rolling hills and plains like a desert, with all the drama of desert, but a desert without the stifling heat, in fact the sands, these sands beneath their feet feel oddly cold.
They are just out taking a walk, behind the trailer and they have walked so far now, the trailer looks small now, for they are indeed, some distance away!
In this section they have come to, appearance wise, it kind of looks strangely, like sands of beach.
A beach but, a beach, with no water!
But, oh what a view, they have! They could see for miles and miles. And Saddie, got excited, and was always pointing to different things she saw in the distance!
Way over to their left, they could see miles of flat terrain, and here and there, there was giant mountains that reached up to the clouds in the sky ! And to the right, way of in the distance, they could see what looked like the ocean waters shimmering in the sun light. They could see way, way off in the blue misty foggy distance. No! No doubt about it! This place, it all, all looked and seemed so peaceful.
It's funny how the beautiful works of the natural world, soothes and calms the soul, and make one feel at one with nature, even though you know nature is out of your control!
It all looked so magnificent, awesome! Dozen of white sandy smooth mountain ranges, with many strange and odd white sandy dunes, kind of looking like, like, resembling faces or something, just laying out, laying quietly, out there over the horizon in a vast, vast never ending open spaces.
[ 435 ]
Earlier that day it rained. And all that warm rains that fell, changed a whole lot of things now for sure! It changed things that they were clueless about! As they walked out into the drifting blowing sands of time, they left behind their foot prints! They left their foot prints in it!
A foot print is a funny thing. Its yours , but it's not yours, it's yours but it's not part of you. Like a shadow, it is yours, but not part of you. The thing that is yours and is part of you, is your destiny!
Does anyone know what tomorrow will bring? Does anyone know what the next, what the next moment will bring? What happens next in time? Can anyone, anyone possible know what will happen next, especially, when you are living inside Fractal time reality? But, but not all, is all what it seems, or what you think it seems?
Hidden, from, from everybody, is the unknown.
The unknown, is cute. The unknown is ugly. The unknown is right on time. What time is that, thinks BR, to himself, unexpected time! The unknown can, if its good, brings you a smile, and you count your ass as lucky, but, yep, oh Cowboy, if it hurts, than it is bad, you find your self in a lurch for long, long while. Yep, hits you in the stomach, hits you in face. Life is a pleasure, but life has its fate!
And you feel it good, when its not nice, you didn't see it coming, life, nobody could. You pain, hurt, and feels as if you got hit, as if you got kicked by life in the teeth. And sometimes life hits, with a fist in your eye. Punched you out! Life, will do that to you! First thing out of your mouth, is the question why?
Goddam why, why did this have to happen to me, you asked yourself?
Sometimes life tricks you, you fall, and never trust life or anything again. Never trust anyone again. Never trust anything. You get so bitter, so cynical, you find it hard to, well true be told some situations, pass to the point, one asks, can you trust your own mother. Such was the time, they where entering. The landscape they saw, and landscape that was really there, was it?
But, such thoughts are depressing, what it is, is what it is, but right now . . . the ladies . .
The girls, Boccia and Saddie, are playing and fooling around chasing each other, ah yes, they had too much to drink, and are having a good time!
And BR, old dog, the girls played a trick on him! Saddie secretly wrote the word, "Ass" with her red lipstick on his bottom, on his jeans, but he don't know it, and hasn't a clue, and can't for the life of him, figure out why they are walking behind him , laughing and giggling so much!
You know , you know you girls are a bunch a fools, yells BR joking and mocking them! HA, HA, HA ha, they burst out laughing! Quick witted, Saddie, replies bravely : "year big, daddy we may be fools, but we make you drool don't we?" Oh year, said BR, who was walking straight ahead of the girls, maybe twenty or thirty feet ahead of them, but he quickly turns around and starts walking backwards, but still walking forwards, but facing them this time, and looking at them, sticking out his tongue, and making a hand gesture, indicating where they could stick it, and smiling, as he kept on walking!
And, then he quickly said, see, fools, I got eyes in the back of my head! And, says nothing makes me drool baby! Saddie stuck her tongue back out to him, we'll see! You better behave or else, BR, demanded Saddie in a sexy voice, as she placed her hands on her hips, which she was swaying from side to side, as if she wanted a ride. BR, checked her out, saw her action, and said, I'll get you later, smiled BR, as he turn around and again facing front and kept walking ahead of them. Saddie yelled out to him, what about now? I want you now? She looked over to Boccia and they both cracked up laughing, ha, ha , ha ha . .
Later, yelled BR, back to them, they burst out laughing, ha, ha, ha, oh your a chicken, ha, ha . .
Ha,ha, to too, babies, yelled BR back to them, with a macho man, measured, vengeful, mocking tone bias in his voice, and without even turning around to look at them, he continued walking, now, at a faster pace like an ace free, wild unrestrained child of destiny, with his sexy two hungry pleasures, his pleasures following, hot on his trail.
What did she say? BR, asked himself as Saddie cried out! That woman, got balls, called me a chicken, now down home women no, no way gone call a man a chicken, nope! No sir' ree !
Maybe, she might up and call the boy a dog, cause we men are ornery, horny, like that.
But you done up and called me, me a chicken.
If you gone call me anything, call me a hound dog. Just the truth, when I want of woman, I hound her, follow her, like a hound dog looking for a bone! I think about her eyes, her smile and the fact that I want to be with her awhile. And nothing gone stop me!
And this here, Saddie, Saddie, she a good lady, that's true, and although we just getting to know each other, super good, can't say, I am gone let her get away talking to me that way!
I got a bad streak in me. I was worse before, them days are gone, them days I was rough, them days I was tough. Can be, truth told, when it's been along time, since I was dealing with a sweet things as Miss Saddie, and Boccia, dam Cowgirls look fine! They melts my heart, and thing is, I had such rough experiences, I kind of, well truth, I kind of forgot. Yep, some days , some times, a cowboy, forgets he got a heart. I forgot! Sometimes I'm obligated to do, to do stuff!
And shit, what I do ain't always nice.
Sometimes, it just whats got to be done, ain't no body gone miss a sun of a bitch, and I can say, put quite a few of them away. Rest in peace!
But , that's old time, don't want waste time, thinking about my past, my Cowboy days, my wild days are in my pass.
[ 435 ]
The real interesting thing is now, nowadays, now times, times, are in this transition, are in this transition! And I,sure in hell as I am standing here, I am in transition too. Shucks, shut my eyes, don't close my fly, and let the truth hang out there, brother!
First, I was a cold man, and then a coal man, man! Both men had to win, both men had to sin!
Sometimes you can't and that time is now, seems strange, but first I was crazy, now going through everything like I did, and meeting up in this life altering condition, this new world, with these two Earth , one up, and one below, dear god, I dam sure don't believe in you, but tell it me ain't true, I love these girls! Its hard for me to say I love anything but I do!
I lost and I know, I lost a lot of things, yep, we all do, I think, I improved a lot, from the old days, like I said before I think it is the air!
And, I do believe it has something to do with the earth breaking in two like she did, and these two lovely women I got, shucks, make an insane man, sane! Cowboy, let me tell, tell you, how sweet it is, Now, when I first met Saddie, I didn't know her name was Saddie. All, the hell, I knew was she was laying down in that there boat, barely afloat.
It was down in the hole of that boat, Saddie, she, that girl, wow, she was covered in bloody black mud!
Yep, yes, sir ree bob!
But it was a side of me, a personality in me, that saved her, turns out, by saving her, I saved myself, boy!
I am stronger, and a better man for it. Because of them, I know with certainty about me, and how I am gonna be, a point when reality conflicts with reality thats me, a cracked reality, cracked, and with in that crack, if you take a moment to look real good,take a real good look, squint your eyes a little a while and focus real good, you, spot another one. Another crack. Yep, a fractal crack, cause life is whacked!
Who, a thought, way back then, when I saw the world broke apart, who a thought, I would have survived!
I don't know why I am alive?
And, shit, not just that, but change from a bad cowboy, to a good!
Now, y'all, know, about, how bad, I can be, shucks, I can't lie. I want this, two lucious looking honeys , but thats the penalty, see, my thing was staying alive, yep, that's what I do.
And truth be told, I do anything for them, and by them I talking bout these beautiful two sweet hearts of mine, and also, I means the whole dam camp, all these folks that I saved, fed, nurtured, and brought into my encampment, into en affect my house, my world. I do anything to see them prosper! They are now my family!
They are the earth family. On them falls the responsibility to bring this world back, just the way it was before!
They are my life, now!
I saved them.
I made them stay alive!
They don't know, know whats in the meat I put in the dinner, to feed them! And keep them from starving to death. Keep them alive!
In away, I guess, I am kind of their father, I guess?
And I reckon, I don't care! I don't care what I did!
The idea, is somehow to keep everybody alive, one, way or the another.
Now, the other, is in order for me to make the world back the ways she was, I got to make a lot of babies!
[ 436 ]
Shucks, it scares me!
If I had a woman a night!
So much [ BLEEPING ] work. Gee' whiz! Over whelming!
Now, shucks, I reckon, in nine months, I will have three babies, one from Kitty. One from Saddie, and one from Boccia!
If one of them pops twins, then, I will have lots of babies! But I need a million babies, how many people were in the world roughly when it broke up? Six billion or so, give or take a couple no-brainers! WoW!
Shucks, it gone be a lot of work, this looks like a long term project, to me, said BR, to himself, shaking his head in bewilderment and smiling inside, He knew shrewdly, that they're in the midst of madness!
They were in, in midst of the longitude and latitude of this here thing called disorder, existing outside the limits in chaos!
[ 437 ]
A point when reality conflicts with reality, when the only proof that they were here, following him, has disappeared. The only proof that I have them, that they are mine, is gone, the only proof is, is in my mind. I know they were here with me! When I looked out, all I saw, all I could see. was the smooth dunes of sand, as far as the eyes can see, and I swear! Call me a shit head, boy, bury me dead, I don't see their foot prints, That ain't good! Now I know all that happened ain't in my head!
Now, shit, how the hell can that be, I was walking, and thinking to myself, and I turned around, and I don't see them! This don't make no goddam sense, said BR, to himself. He stared searching the sand dunes looking for his wives desperately.
But they were gone! He searched and he searched, and he crossed, criss crossed back to where, more or less he had spoke with them last, And as he was walking he suddenly started to sink. Sink down into the sands as if it was quicksand.
BR, he was sinking! First, he sunk down to his knees in the sands, and he noticed what was happening!
And he struggled, struggled mightily to get out!
Desperately, he pulled him self up by crawling on his hands and knees like an ant! But only, to falter! He sank back down, and this time the sand came up to his waist! He still had on his back, the long backpack with his tits in side, but he didn't need weapons now! A shot gun won't save him! What he needed was a helicopter to swoop down and save him and that was not going to happen!
He struggled, and tried to set him self free! All the while sinking up more, till it was up to his neck, and about to cut off his liberty!
Now, it dawned on him, it was obvious to him, this was some kind of sinkhole!
It was like a black-hole swallowing him up!
BR, tried to figure this out, as he was going down deeper, and deeper, the sands weren't moving straight down. Oh no! It seemed oddly, to be moving to a center hole below the sands, like as if he was going down, a tube or something!
Down, down, the ground swallowed him up. He clenched his eyes tightly shut. He felt hot. He felt cold. He didn't have a chance, there was nothing to grab! Nothing to hold!
It was all over, thought BR, and he kissed his ass good bye, ready to die. This is it. It's all over. Is this all? Is this all there is? Is? He asked himself?
And BR, deep, in his inner thoughts, he cried, Oh no, nooooo, no body knows, Oh no, nooooo, no body knows, trouble I got, the trouble I am in! No body, no body knows what trouble I am in? No, no I am gonna die, and nobody knows! Nobody!
Instants of memories, flashed across his mind, in super fast time, feelings of horror, filled him with fear, as it, the life he held so dear, was about to sadly disappear.
As he disappeared, he disappeared sinking below the sands, horrified, one sad man!
Problems, brittle durability of the human race, subject to accidents, death, things people can't face, everyday they must go on till, till they die! Sometimes it happens so fast, they don't even get a chance to cry!
People have followed a similar path, Why? Who knows? Birth followed by death in a steady pace, leaves the human race, bereft! Inconvenient facts of life, smacks of obstruction-al aliments, blocking eternal life attainment, is it, the interruption of death, an unwelcomed fact! A causality out of whack? Or is it the fact, unknown to humans of the now, in the future, science will provide reincarnational gene enhancements and for a price, will avail themselves, to thwart it? Death?
But, lets, but lets focus on the limitations of the humans minds development so far, now, and within this realities time frame, be practically fractal about this says the cat! Meow, says the cat. Cats are very practical and Fractal. Some attribute to them calmness, a calmness to relax during death falls! BR, is now falling down too! Cats, they fall from great heights, and live because they have an innate knowledge to just relax before facing death, especially when falling! Some people are that way too! Are you? When death comes could you beat it by relaxing!
Go with the flow instead of fighting! Show it, as a force, that you are bigger than it as a phase changer, and relax and acknowledge this is just a change in the trajectory of your destiny?
Try it, you'll like it!
Cats do it all the time, and maybe you should you too, when your number is up, sliding into another life you lived before, an option we implore, something to keep in mind, next time? BR's, time is up . He relaxes as it happens, as it happens once more, the winds blow, and blow loudly, and we hear something like a cat meowing, sounding something like :
†† Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducK, Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducKs ††
†† Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducK, Meow, meow,owwwwwwsducKs ††
[ 438 ]
What was transpiring was, events outside of the criteria of known human laws of physics and logic, occurring in Quantum space, where human logic does not apply, called ,"Quantum spacial time teleportation triangulation, transition confection", causality, by a mystery being, who remains unknown,
and who, time, as yet, has not revealed. And now, we follow the happenstances, and adventures, and sagas of an odd man, with multiple personality disorders, by the name of Big Rex.
And it all begins with heredity, and the precepts of personality and the dis-commonality of the genes he happened to be chosen to be born with. Did his genes give him one personality, or two personalities. Did it bestow more? Did his genes make him a good person or evil one?
A gene is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes, which are made up of DNA, act as instructions to make you who you are.
Genes are the key, every body possesses genes. They can be traced forwards and backwards through out history! Our genes dictate who we will be, like guardians watching over our future history.
Genes give us our personality. Big Rex, inherited many personalities!
Sometimes the personality he had, subconsciously transversed across, his worlds reality to future worlds reality. In this life's real world, he, was and had the personality of the a bad man, a thief, and an crude cowboy type of outlaw, a lowlife leader of a drug trafficking gang. But, in another personality, in another life, separated by time and space, in another world. He was the opposite. He was good, he was a hero, that stood up for law and order and justice, in a galaxy far away.
Thanks to the power of genes and DNA, he walked the worlds of today, today, with two sides! The good and the evil!
The man, this man, this rebel man was born in this world, in a state called Arizona, and he was born possessing multiple strange, unbelievable personalities! One of Big Rex's personalities was a man that goes by the name of Jack SawedOff! Jack SawedOff's personality, is related by genes, to Big Rex himself! But, they both live and exists at two different times, separated by far away galaxies, in two different worlds, in two different heads and minds in space and time.
The alternate personality of Big Rex, known as Jack SawedOff, was a hero, was a crime fighter, that exists in another time, and he was someone you could call when you needed help bad!
Due to many wars in the galaxies, time had come for action. Time had come for the invention of types of humans that could not die, a fighter, who could fly in the sky, a soldier who could defend the world to the end, a defender of men, an army of one, the first of his kind, his name was Jack Sawed-off!
A long time ago,in another dimension, there existed an highly evolved parallel human civilizations, known as the Bagagir'maddogana Federations Empire, who created the AFGEIZBO program.
AFGEIZBO, stands for Advance Fatality Galactic Ecosystems Infestations Zozo Beaming Operations. Out of this, came super individuals!
And the personality of Jack Sawedoff, he's someone who stands up fighting for good, against evil, and he changes and switches into a cyborgenic personality, known as the Zotocon.
The Zotocon, is a warrior, with special powers, committed to defeating the evil forces. All the evil forces, and in-particular, the evil robot sentient being, known as, her highness, Queen Sharkkadoom!
In space there are now and always will be, for you, unsolved mysteries, the answers to which it is better that you don't know!
There are all kinds of anomalies in space, and there exists, evil super smart beings, flying around, and around, so intelligent, so these evil intelligent but their minds, are not right, not good, so crooked, twisted, evil, you would have no chance against them.
[ 439 ]
Anomalies, exists of all kinds! Twisted fractal robotic mentality anomalies, strangers coming from the dark side, such is the criminal Mastermind, the artificial intelligence named, her royal Highness, Queen Sharkkadoom!
Queen Sharkkadoom, leader of a rebel outlaw army, was defeated, and was cast out, and banished from her home world, by the Zotocon! She disappeared out of that dimension, secretly without anyone knowing her where a-bouts, and was actively plotting to get revenge, against the Zotocon!
While investigating the origins of the humans, and the origins of the Zotocon, she learns more about the humans! That many of them emigrated from Earth, and went out into the galaxies, eons ago! And she systematically plots, tracks, and traces bio tags, that leads her to ion trails, leading all the way back to the planet Earth.
She, also while doing her advance search investigative analysis, discovers a living relative, personality wise, of the Zotocon, namely a man living on the planet Earth, named Big Rex! And she does a broad bio genetic identifiers scan, scanning the surface for active human molecularies. And she tracks him, and finds him, and she sent out an invisible drone to spy on him. And she learns that, Big Rex, doesn't possess any forward reverse travel capabilities, or have biomechanical body parts, or even basic knowledge in the use electromagnetic shielding technology! He's only a mere human, born unluckily, before the age of the most primitive designer brain implants technology! Big Rex, is an obsolete organism, walking around, and doesn't even know it!
He is an ordinary man, known as backward man who dresses up, as an old time cowboy, and is a drunken outlaw, suffering from mental instabilities and delusional personality dementia.
An organic crazy-man, yet she hesitates to outright kill him, because of his tertiary bio genetic connections to
her arch enemy, namely the Zotocon fighter.
The alien robot Queen, Sharkkadooms origins all began, in another galaxy, when,
the Bagagir'maddogana
Federations empire, their scientists created robotic slaves, un-intentionally an error occurred, and mutant hybrids evolved, called the AI Sharrkka 501 slaves series, that were Artificial intelligent gladiators! One named, AI Sharkkadoom, attained mental independence consciousness. Her self replication evolutional capabilities, went totally unchecked! Unnoticed, until it was too late! Sharkkadoom, with her super abilities in time aviation, and mind control, escaped!
The Bagagir'maddogana Federations empire's army dropped a bomb, on the rebel leader Sharkkadoom, but she survived and escaped into exile! No one knew where she disappeared to, and kept she her where a bouts to her self, and was extremely secretive! She vowed to get revenge against the Zotocon and all the humans, and travels back to the origins of humans, to a little planet called Earth, following an ion residue trail. And she discovers residual subconscious personality patterns, belonging to a distant relative of her nemesis, the Zotocon. And he turns out to be a man called Big Rex! She secretly spied on him, and sent a drone to record him.
But, the alien creation, this robotic Queen, Sharkkadoom, who is the embodiment of evil, against the humans, can't contain her anger and lust for revenge, and using her advance knowledge of electro magnetic gravitational weaponry beams, destroys almost the whole Earth by slicing and cutting it in half. But spares Big Rex, the relative personality of the Zotocon, so she can have time to analyze and study him, to see if it is possible, to devise a technology she can use to destroy her enemy the Zotocon fighter, back in her home world.
Big Rex, he doesn't have a clue how he was able to survive the world blowing up, and just considers himself terribly lucky!
Queen, Sharkkadoom, she doesn't want him to know, how she engineered for him to be shielded from the explosions that occurred, when she destructed The Planet Earth with a planet killer tractor beam!
She used a customized disintegrator beam planet cutter, that sliced the world in two equal halves, and upper Earth and lower Earth.
She lands her ship hiding it underground, in the deserts sands of Arizona, and observes the cowboy Big Rex, and without him knowing it, she microchips him to track him, for a long extended periods of time. He's clueless that he's being observed, and goes on living his crazy life, and goes through many challenges after the planet was cut in two. He finds others who survived, and together they tried to begin a new world, resetting and trying to start civilization from scratch!
Her invisible drone was the size of a basket ball, that went along with him, and spied on him, and he doesn't know he is being watched. Her drone surveilled him for very, very long time!
She was by no means, not in any kind of rush, though, and she has plenty of time, and she watches him patiently, studying him! She, however, one day finally decides to capture him, by using one of her tractor beams, customized to focus granularly, a gravity ray beam, sucking him down underground, into the sands of the Earth, where her ship was secretly hidden. She filters out the sands, and drops him safely inside, her space ship!
[ 440 ]
But, when BR, got sucked down into the sands, he wasn't alone, in fact he was out on a sighting trip with Saddie and Boccia, his two wives who also survived.
They were heart broken to learn he went missing, and were clueless as to whether, he was alive or dead.
Both of his wives searching for him, came across his hat at the bottom of sinkhole in the sand, and the two women, suddenly, got sucked down into the sands too! But once underground inside Sharkkadooms, ship, when they found him, it was a bitter sweet experience for them. BR, was alive but trapped by an alien bring, with hateful intentions! And they too were captured, and scared and terrorized and put in prison by her, without any understanding of what was going on down there!
And once Sharkkadoom, gets them inside her ship, their freewill was totally over! That's it!
Sharkkadoom, tortured them and bilked the two women for information, and to Queen Sharkkadoom, their lives were not important, unless it's used to black mail information out of Big Rex. After confronting the two woman, she tosses them into YODT! YODT, translates into a cocoon like deep freeze, containment bubble, that's an alternate reality temperature encapsulator field! It's what's labeled a kind of occult stasis, time-space bubble reality encapsulators! Encapsulators are time suspension devices, that can be used a variant jail house, and prisoners are deposited there and left there, out of sight out, and out of mind! And she got rid of them, so she can focus on her main prize, who was Big Rex!
Big Rex is her focus. BR is now her main prisoner. And as her prisoner, she is now happily in control of him.
She, shoots out of her forehead a beam that is a bright lighted, white ray, that instantly puts him to sleep, and using her hand, she floats his body up in the air, and she brings his body down into her ships laboratory, and places it on her laboratory table, where there's, a big, bright light, shining down onto his face!
And she puts his body in stasis, but, carefully, not his brain!
Sharkkadoom, who is a master of brain circuitry biohacking, and bionic development technologies, begins studying and working on his brain chemistry line of circuitry map coordinates, and scans them, and quickly establishes what she suspected all along about Big Rex. That he, this human genetically belongs to a certain strange random group of humans, or lineage of humans, that has multiple personalities, that can exist simultaneously in other dimensions, connected by the mind!
What she does, now is work on his brain circuitry to link the alchemy of personality traits between BR, and Jack Saw-off, the Zotocon personality, that she is so fearful of!
[ 441 ]
She is mindful, that, her plan would be to tap, into his circuitry that would trigger arousal to subconsciously
entered a 'SiboM''recess State,' which is a mental device agent, used to act as a rewind of a surveillance tape, that allows it goes back into the memory of his other personalities, and what they did in past time. She does this in attempt to wade through certain events that might give her an effective informational strategy and techniques the Zotocon uses, that she doesn't know about!
So as to arm herself with options to dissuade the mighty Zotocon, the next time they come face to face in battle! A battle she will to get revenge for herself, and come out victorious! So, we see her seated before a cloud screen, patiently waiting to scoop up any relevant date, she might deem useful to her plans of revenge!
She was particularly interested, in the of personality Jack SawedOff. Jack SawedOff, one of BR's personalities, is the mind to body conduit to the powerful cyborg entity, known as the Zotocon. So she begins draining and downloading Jack SawedOff memories. Now, Jack SawedOff is a designer soldier that cannot die, the defender of the human race, in the Bagagir'maddogana Federation Empire.
Jack SawedOff is an evolved projectional digital holographical cyborg with dual wavelength brain emissions, part mentally human, that looked human with amazing super powers and the ability to reincarnate by self fractalic hyperborean corporal regeneration. On his home planet of Aiokiteadi, he's a part of a top secret team of super soldiers.
And he flies through fractal times skies, flies through the fabric of dimensions of time and space and changes into infamous fighter known as The Zotocon cyborgenic warrior machine-man!
She is a special, nuclear transcreation, virtually indestructible, being entity, made by the scientists of the Bagagir'maddogana Federation Empire, Too!
The Zotocon, he comes to save you, when you call him when you are in need, to fight off the unforeseen attacks of your enemies and those that wish to bring harm to you and your family!
He flies through the endless corridors of time, seeking to be on call to defend and protect the merchant fleet and all the citizens, belonging to the Bagagir'maddogana Federation Empires!
[ 442 ]
But, right now, the evil robot Queen, Sharkkadoom puts the body of Big Rex on another sub section of the the laboratory table, and he lays silently there as if a trance! She has got control of Big Rex, and tries to seek out the genetic linking mechanism between BR, and Jack Sawedoff. She concentrated her mind bank, of data bases, and goes into a complex quantum computer links to-algorithmic, transcendental meditative brain states, as she taps into the total recall of the past memories, stories and events of the Zotocon.
But what was the Zotocon?
Human People complained that : The constant fear and a life filled with unending wars, unending strife, filled with the impending gore brought on by the wars with robots, was all that they have known.
And the extent to which prolonged violence of unending warfare, has altered the human fabric of communities across the vast galactic territory, of the Bagagir'maddogana Federations Empire, made, it obvious, and clear, it was time for that pervasive fear, and disenchantment, to be channeled into a proactive positive change in the balance of power!
A time for change. :
The past millions and millions of years have been pot marked, tough times, tough like a hot broth, frothed by intense periods of confrontation, with the rise of the robotons alliances mechanical war offensive appliances, seeding mass destruction of human life, and hope for the future peace had eroded, especially in the depressing Robot wars of the Gasmal 09000's. Where human populations where being slaughtered to the point of obliteration in the billions.
Pandemonium and panic erupted amongst the populations, when their phones, and ordinary household appliances tried to kill them while sleeping! Washing machines would grab them, put them inside and cook them alive!
They demanded the government do more to protect them!
The people of army has fought to crush a rebel Sharkkadoom movement, who knew how to turn everyday home appliances into homemade bombs, and were seeking their ouster, to rid the world of their evil technology used to kill humans, once and for all!
In their quest to subdue rebellious AI, robotic master minds, like Queen Sharkkadoom, who remotely was creating and deploying electrical wireless, systems, controlling home appliances, something new was needed to go up against this evil robot, and change the balance of power.
Time had come for action. Time had come for the invention of humans that could not die, a fighter, who could fly in the sky, a soldier who could defend the world to the end, a defender of men, a robot destroyer, an army of one, the first of his kind, his name was Jack Sawed-off.
Several thousand million years ago there existed a highly evolved parallel human civilizations who created the AFGEIZBO program. AFGEIZBO, stands for Advance Fatality Galactic Ecosystems Infestations Zozo Beaming Operator.
Jack Sawedoff was part of ZoZo's, Zotocon operators, and he was an evolved projectional digital holographical cyborg with dual wavelength brain emissions, part mentally human, that looked human with amazing super powers and the ability to reincarnate by self fractalic hyperborean corporal regeneration. On his home planet of Aiokiteadi, he's a part of a top secret team of super soldiers. But for now, back on earth, we see, . . .
[ 443 ]
But, after along time, it seems Sharkkadoom, after, queuing up and binge watching and spying, on all his life events! Plus, after tediously analyzing all the details of his adventures, and listening to many, many stories, she consumed a lot of information about her enemy! She, now tries to learn from what she now knows about
Zotocon so as to make a probability assessment, as to what he will do in the future as he attempts to find her. She had planned to forge ahead with her experiments, but, her experiments in extracting future time data resources out of BR, brain, about the personality of Jack Sawedoff, proved to be a futile. So feeling she no longer needs the human Big Rex, to experiment on his personalities, she plans to get rid of the cowboy.
Now, The current where a-bouts of Big Rex's alternate personality Jack, is still a mystery!
Despite her thinking she is equipped with error-less, software programming superiority, life holds surprises her algorithm cannot predict, cause there are laws and forces in the universe, that are unknown, even for her, with all her power and knowledge, that cannot undue the manipulation of the course, and the cosmic web connecting the path of destiny for Big Rex.
What she wants to do is change and split open, the mind link personalities between Big Rex and the Zotocon, to kill him!
The alien robot Queen, Sharkkadoom programs an algorithm, and gets mentally into the head of BR, and she boldly undertakes the challenge of potentially, refurbishing his brain approximate parameters, calculated to be the same as the personality of SawedOff brains, with the soul purpose, to render his brains useless, and shut it down. But, despite her being a master of cryptography, a miscalculation occurs, when she attempted writing her customized special brain code, into the personality parameters, of her enemy the Zotocon!
Her plan goes terribly wrong, something unexpected happens outside her knowledge, that she did not see coming!
While Sharkkadoom was fiddling around inside complex paradigms of factors, of mutations and selection, in his brain, she accidentally triggered the awakening, of who else, but the personality of Jack Sawedoff, in real time reality, the consequences of which for her would prove fatal, indeed very fatal for her!
[ 444 ]
Queen Sharkkadoom, ponders, and slowly comes up with a diabolical plan!
She figures out a way, to psychologically trick BR, to make him, bring out his other self, his other personality, named Jack Sawedoff.
And what she does, is this! She thinks of a clever, but, persuasive way to force him to do it!
Now we all know we have different moods, right?
And we act differently depending on how we're feeling, or not feeling.
But, when you have different personalities that's a totally different thing. It's another person, another you.
And, controlling when and where a different personality comes out of you, or doesn't come out, is not easy, it is just not easy!
Not easy to control, not easy to predict! There is no science to that! There is no science to it. It's a mystery embedded in your genes.
You either got it, or you don't! That's it! Now she could erase his brain and download into his cortex any personality, she makes or programs,
It won't be authentic. It won't naturally organic, or fractally self similar, to what evolved naturally.
[ 445 ]
NNNNNNBut, she's going to try, to make BR, drag out his jack SawedOff self, naturally anyway!
Now, what she knows is this. The cowboy, is loco and he's got two women!
So, He got the wives, a blond one, named Saddie, and a dark skin girl, Ebony! And one that's not here yet! And He loves them!
So to get him to do what she wants, she's going to put his ladies lives in danger, in jeopardy!
Here's what she's gonna do! She orders her robots scouts, to take his two girl friends : Saddie, and Ebony,
out of the jail, out of the deep freeze time encapsulator prisons, that she put them in!
So, now, she starts! With the cunning of a devil. And with the sly smile of a snake, she puts her plan into action!
So here is what she does! She gets some of her robot soldiers, to get the two women, out of the jail encapsulators,
and takes them up and out of the ship, and brings them up on to sandy landscape, on the surface, just above her ship, and chains them up!
That's where the psychological torture begins, for real!
Now, mind you that, Saddie and Ebony, they get chained up, and they have no food, or water! Ok! So they are in bad way!
The next thing she does, she creates a simulation of mad barking dogs! She tells her robots to place seven big black hungry savage barking dogs, that are starving for food, just about twenty feet away, from where the woman are chained up together!
She's threatening to let the Dogs loose to eat them. The woman when they hear that, they go mad with fear!
They check out these big heavy set dogs so close to them, that are craving to eat them and barking loudly at them, and they scream and go nuts!
The chains they got on them, are weird looking! They kind of look like old silver, rusty colored old chains, that you see!
But in this case, they ain't! Nothing, your eyes see here is the real thing, for sure! Because this ambiental environment is surreal simulation all around here, created by her!
This that can't happen, but does! For instance those chains were programmed, and 3D quantum printed, and
are made out of a specially ordered alloyed composites, which are known as Fiber Reinforced Plastics, or FRP, for short.
And these chains, were digitally constructed out of Sharkkadoom's object simulator, and are made of this strange kind of composite metal,
Calculated, programmed so that as when sunlight touches, them, it heats them up, the chain stretches out like rubber, and gets longer, thus allowing the dogs, to get closer to the girls, and closer to bite them, and kill them, and eat them alive.
Queen Sharkkadoom, is planning all this, and is enjoying it!
She is playing grave psychological games now, and enjoying every second of it!
We see she's got the ladies, chained down, and sunlight is shining down from the left side of them,
with the full brunt of the sun bearing down on them, and casting long shadows making the whole scene look even more surreal!
And in back of them, in the background, is a mountain of metal debris, all piled up! It looks like,
the remains of large burn out bus! A couple of destroyed buses, are all piled up on each other, just a few yards away!
The buses surfaces are dark and blackened; you can't make out the lettering, because they were on fire at some point in time!
A their windows are broken, and blown out! But, one thing for certain : Its dark and shady inside, making them a good cool shelter from that scorching sun outside!
Then, her robots brings BIg Rex, outside and put this silver round disk on his forehead, and it stays there. It pulsates and he doesn't what it is doing but, he can feel slight vibrations penetrating his head, but it doesn't hurt but, he doesn't know what it is. This worries him!
[ 446 ]
But Sharkkadoom, knows, it's a brain surveillance scanning mapping device, inducing
psychedelics, to ramp up signal diversity, especially in regions of the brains
amygdala, that controls his emotions, fear, and memories
and perception.
She wants to be on the look out for the exact timing, when the personality of Jack Sawed Off is launched, so she can be ready and waiting for him, to snatch him up!
Queen Sharkkadoom, She is in no way expecting or predicting this personality, if it emerges out of Big Rex, will be exactly the same as brain map circuitry parameters, that her arch enemy Jack Sawedoff has, back in her home world! But she's looking forward to seeing some brain parameter similarities, and getting a chance to study it, so she hedge her bets, and can be prepared to degenerate them, and destroy them, if necessary, if given the opportunity in future encounters, with the real thing! She knows she'll definitely in time, return back to her world, one day, and seek to get revenge for him defeating her! It's only a matter time!
In the mean-time, she gets her robot soldiers to grab BR, and carry him over inside one the wreckages of a bus, drop him down there,
and chained him up good, so he can watch his women suffer, and get eaten alive right in front of him!
[ 447 ]
NNNNNNSharkkadoom, looks at him and gets his attention and raises her hand and points to the dogs, barking and circling around his wives, and tells him : Their fate is in your hands, my man! You must change into Jack sawed off, when I tell you, or they will be eaten up, live before your eyes, ha, ha, ha, ha. She laughed.
Now it's up to Big Rex, and he lets his head hang down, and is totally confused, he doesn't know why, this strange person, this strange woman, is somehow obsessed with the fact that he has multiple personalities! And why, and how, she found out about his alternate personality, when he calls himself Jack!
But, the time for fun and games is over, his back is up again the wall. His wives lives are in his hands, and he thinks he can conjure up Jack, but first he said to himself, he wants to know why? He's got to many questions, questions that needed to be answered.
Now, the thing about Big Rex, is, he doesn't know any thing? He see's a woman, when he looks at Queen Sharkkadoom, because over her metal body, she is covered with living flesh tissue, like a real woman, including, hair, skin, blood and body fluids, and underneath that its all
made of a special metal endoskeleton from the 500 -310 series, with a palmeric compound that can make her look like anything, and imitate anybody!
[ 448 ]
And was conceived as a virtually indestructible autonomous soldier.
Her hair is dark brown and she looks like a pretty, southern European woman, with big, deep grey eyes! And, she had the regal appearance of someone belonging to a well to do upper class family!
Big Rex, doesn't know, she's not human, although, he suspects it. His mind is flooded with a million questions about her!
Questions he was too scared to ask! How did her ship get here, and where is she from?
What's her name, she told him, her name was Queen Sharkkadoom, but he doesn't believe it, it sounds so ridiculous to him.
Is that a user id, name or a crazy alias? So many unanswered questions keep zapping through his mind.
But, he never seen a ship like hers, and these robots soldiers running around inside here, are real and are incredible!
And by the looks of the soldiers guarding her, she must of personally experimented on them, and created them, making them look like a combination crocodile, and robotic human!
They were all black and looked like shining crocodile looking creature robots, they were some kind of xenomorpths,
with a big red head full of teeth, and were standing on all four legs, long tailed with a scaly body of metal!
These soldiers were aggressive and looked vicious.
And he heard them, these things could talk! They could talk!
They could speak english. Does that mean, they're American, or are they English, or was that a kind of universal language? Or was he going insane, imagining all this?
Did this ship originate from earth, he asked himself, no way he thought, but by the looks of those crocodile headed things, working right along side of her, they all had to come from outer space?
He thinks, It's just so incredible, and all, but, time is passing, and she appear to know so much about him. He looks at her, and she waves to him to come closer to her, and as he gets closer,
he asks, Sharkkadoom, with cautious low tone in his voice:
What is it? What the hell are you telling me? You want, want from me, to do what?
He asked her, sounding totally confused and curious.
Now, that he's outside, talking with her, he at the same time, he quickly looks around and notices these surroundings looks familiar to him! He remembers this area, this is just around where he got sucked down in the sands, underground. But, now there is large round hole going straight down, to the cave where her ship is hidden! Apparently they can move all that tons of sand at will, so they can reach the surface and go up and down when ever they want!
It dawns on him, as a flashing thought, that they had it all planned, to drag him down into the sands! Yes, it was planned!
He lost his hat at that time, but sees Boccia's got it, she must of found it, when she was looking for him. She and Saddie are chained up sitting on the ground, not far from him.
He's totally confused about every thing, and doesn't know why every thing happened, the way it did, but, looks around quickly, trying to let every thing sink in, from beginning to end, the nightmare world seems to be his friend!
This is his first opportunity to see where he is now, thats he is back on the top of the sands again.
And now, that he's seeing her outside, he gets a chance to get a good look at this woman who captured him!
He doesn't know anything about this woman! He hasn't seen a lot of this woman!
But what he knows is, she's got a special aura of over confidence about her! She looks like a woman, whose got that, that command of inherent power, about her. A Demigod, figure aura oozing from her, that grabs your attention, and won't let go
She expresses it in her body language, in the way she walks, and the way she talks! In each word, she utters! When she speaks, it's to get a response. She has a woman's voice, but if you listen carefully, it sounds like a person, that is extreme wise, and very knowledgeable, a commander in disguise!
It's like listening to a time tested ten star, veteran general, speaking through her.
And in fact, thats who she is! In time, and space, she's an ace, she's a leader of her own rebel robot army!
She could pretend to sound like anybody, but we don't know who?
A woman she is in appearance, but a woman, she's not. She's only pretending to look human, because she know humans, especially these Earth humans, who are just too naive. Not only, are they ignorant about what alien life forms possibly can look like, but if they don't look human, they would not be able to accept them! So, to facilitate dealing with them, she ops to pretend to look like them! Seem's like a good deal. So as not to shock them, because that would distract from her, accomplishing her longstanding mission. Aliens like her, think it's a good thing, using a human body proxy, making themselves look human; it's a normal espionage trick of advanced infiltration techniques, to pretend to belong to other alien races!
She feels that they would be more psychologically comfortable, thinking they are dealing with someone of their own kind!
She understands humans are backward, and stuck mentally in tribalisms, and it would be more conducive for her, to make them think, they are dealing with a fellow human!
But in reality, in reality, she was a super advanced sentient agent, robot entity, with much more than self awareness! She is walking talking killer machine, of machines, and armies!
She is all business, She's not a friend! And she's not pretending to be friendly. She is not showing any empathy! And in her present camouflage, as a young lady, she's doesn't look like a tall person, and in fact she looks rather frail, and petite. She's wearing a white dress, that's so long you can't see her feet. And it's has fluffy sleeves that cover her arms, and are long too! So much so, you can only see her hands. With her long red finger nails! And around her neck, she wore an array of necklaces, but with jewelry of tiny stones, of different hues, and they got tiny, led lights of different colors, shining out of them too! And today, we find that she is lets out her long black hair which falls down covering the right side of her face, but when the wind blows it out her face, we see It! The smiling stone cold white face of death that she hides! Sometimes we catch her with no eyeballs in her head! She changes her appearance's at will, instantly to fight the good fight, and we can sense, the evil, the perverted, the sick, the spirit of her pets, the black cat demons, with the presumption of continuity, with its big eyes peeking over her shoulders!
It influences, and bad personalities presence, flows out of her, flows over her shoulders, making her look like a kind of polyphonic, many bodies, many voices, fairy princess. Yes, a fairy princess from a twisted kaleidoscopic Disney Land amusement park, from a bad'ass fractal hell. A hell that rings the bell, letting you know it is time to die! One minute she initiates several transformations personality versions of her self to look human.
It is a good masquerade, a very good disguise indeed, for a monster like her to wear. It'll fool any human, she doesn't want to scare! To her enemies who know her, they sing a little song about her! Won't you sing along too! It goes like this!
"E knee, Meany, Mine knee, MO! If she catch you, she won't let you gooooooooooooooooo!
E knee, Meany, Mine knee, MO! If she catch you, she won't let you gooooooooooooooooo!
E knee, Meany, Mine knee, MO! If she catch you, she won't let you gooooooooooooooooo!"
It'll fool any human!
Especially Big Rex and his people, it would be hard for them to dismantle her deceptive look, and learn what she really looks like. Because they were born before the invention of "ESIP," Eyeball Scanners Implant Technology!
[ 449 ]
And, now she sees him, waving to her to come over to talk with him! No body waves for her to come to them, they have to come to her!
That's something, someone of her stature, would normally not respond to! Especially from a lowly personage like Big Rex, but it's her mission, to get from him, the personality of Jack Sawedoff, and the complex layer mentality, his twin entity might possess back in her own galaxy, and she feels this humiliation, is worth it!
That said, she walks over to him, in the wreckage of buses and looks down at him.
Big Rex, is laying down on the ground, completely tied up and restrained with chains, but these chains were not funny bunny chains, like what the dogs had, these where strong tight looped chains, and each of his arms were stretched out and chained to a piece of metal frame of the bus!
One on the left, and his other arm had his wrists chained up to his right.
And his legs were chained too. But now we see her, she walked up close, and looked down at the man chained down on the floor before her, and she said with a bluntly:
I need to talk with Jack Sawedoff, I know you can change into his personality, change into him or I will kill your wives! I swear, I'll feed them to the dogs! Do it now, she said as she turned walking away, and stood a few feet away, and folded her arms while she was waiting, and said sternly:
I am waiting .
BR, heard her say that! And now, BR, thought to himself, judging by the current situation, he is in, he understands
what he's got to do. But it won't be easy! He knows he had mental problems all his life. He knows he got different personalities!
Most of the them, come to him, when his mood changes or something, something comes over him, and he just switches and become mentally another guy, another dude, another cowpoke!
And little by little, he, he'd start instinctively acting differently! It seemed easy! It's something in his mind, that would click, and he's automatically become someone else! Some times just for a minute. Sometimes for a couple a hours! It got him in trouble, lots of times! Once when he young,
and he wound up spending time in the nut house. He didn't tell anybody about it. He kept it a secret.
But, now, but now, this connection he has, this ability has somehow, drawn the attention of someone from outer space, this woman?
How is that possible?
How come she new about him, but he didn't know about her? How come she did knew about it?
Did he know her from somewhere really? But just could remember from where?
Maybe, after thing long and hard about it, he comes to conclude, that when he was someone else, they must of met? When he was in the head of Jack?
It was Jack Sawedoff, that met her, somehow, and in some time, and some place?
[ 450 ]
Stay tuned Chapter 17 is up next on base!
Hi! It's me again, Madcow Sammy,
Has every body done gone nuts? I say, Has every body done gone nuts? All I know is I think all o them got a big surprise coming! Believe that! I know that BR and Jack sawed off or on, They got all issues on or off. Wow, Luckily my Iphone alarm, went off again, and woke me up! " Oh Boy! " Anyway, I really got to consult Toni, cause this is too much! I got to tweet him, anyhow, I just got another tweet! It's my girl, Madcow Lady Ga Ga again! Oh how cool! Got to fly bye! Stay tuned, this is just the beginning! I got to run now, bye, adios, adieu, A plus tard Mes amis, abschied, Wiedersehen, 這麼長時間現在,我們看到你很快 !,告別 ,작별, 別れ ,Прощай ,الوداع ,veda , addio ,Żegnaj, bye bye, to da loo!
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