Stories lists, by The Author iIntermind Weaverss, 







chapter 11 

Chapters for BIG REX
Chapters 3 and 4
Chapters 5 and 6
Chapters 7 and 8
Chapter 10


chapter 11

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 Another lady attended the next meeting, and was telling judy all about it! And what BR, said she thought was really amazing! He paced back and forth, proudly,  addressing the crowd, and looked the same, as before, but sounded odd. 
He said :

My philosophy, is simply to be guided by the birds and the bees. The birds and the bees. Ha, ha, ha, he laughted, then twisted his head around and gave the ground the once over, and said:

And, if you know me? If you do? You know, you know, I said it before, and I'll say it again.
Bug! They small! Smaller than yall! Been around longer. Been around on this ground before we came, and most likely be around after we go! Them bugs didn't go to college online! hell no! they born smart! Me! year! I like'em!
 I like bugs, all kind of buggers! See I got a special kindred with 'em. See, the world blew up, everybody died, but me and bugs are still alive, he laughed, ha, ha, ha, ha,   .  .

I get a kick checkin' out the honey bees!
They are free like me, they fly all around, and do what they please, and if you don't like it, they'll sting you!  See, the honey bees have a hive, a kingdom, no jive. In that kingdom they have Queen bees. Queen bees, to make babies. In Bumble Bee City, we go with the flow, no more, no less, we go with the best!
Bees? They have workers, worker bees, bees to go out each day and collect nectar to make honey. 
They have warrior bees to protect the Queen and the Queens babies. 
I like it! I like what they do! I like how it works too! If, it can work for them, it can work for us. I've studied the Bumble bee. And I think the Bumble bee has studied me, like i mentioned, they certainly have been around longer than I, and that is no lie!
I've studied the Bees, and they do fine! They don't have to learn to fly, they been doing that since they are knee high!  If they can do it, certainly, we as people, can do it a thousand times better!

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BR, said, or was it BR, or who, was it the Lord talking? We don't know? But who ever he was , he said :

Women to me are like Queen bees, and our Queen bees, must think about increasing our population, instantly! Time, waits for no women or no man!  Time is important, no joke! Something to understand!

If I could have the ear of all, I would say this :
If you are you, citizenry of Bumble Bee City? Hear me!
We need babies, babies! And like no other time, in human history, especially now, in our time of maximum misery, we do need kids! Lots and lots of them! 
So, it was; later, it was he, who ever he was, that addressed the meeting, and told the crowd inside this: 

So, if you a Worker, if you are a Worker on one of my brigades! I respect you! It is an honorable position, and if you work hard in spades, and helped construct something, we need.  And you showed me, what you have done, what you have done! I will grant you time, to spend time, with not, just  one woman, but two women.  Give you all the privacy you need to get the job done! Come the end of the year. I want to see babies, babies, that's all! 

If you are gay, and can't help us, that way, speak to me in private!

It's OK, for a man, whether he be Worker, or a Warrior, to have time visiting more than one woman. All the women are allowed to have visitors in their compound. And if two women want to share the same man, when he comes to their section of the hive, I see no problem with that, if you get my permission first!

We need the seeds, to plant in the green garden, Ladies! I mince no words! So few are us! So fragile are we, one mighty disease or plague upon visiting us, would wipe us out in one stroke, over night! No medicines have I to offer you! I am like the Lord telling you this! I, the Strawberry Lord, cannot help you, if that befalls us!
Our flaws must be proclaimed, in this meeting. I do so speak, before I declared you bugs, it's a pejorative, which includes my self, thinking, as I do from the perspective of how petty and insignificant as a people we are!

Now, My warriors have told me, there was a murder while I was away! While I was away there was a murder? I don't like to hear that!
 Yes, it will happen, many of you are suffering, and it is understandable. You will get stressed out! Get agitated and strike out. But we are one here, it doesn't pay to get into an altercation with your neighbors! But, if you know you are not thinking right, come speak to me. Speak with someone! We will help, but don't get in to arguments with each other, that can lead to a fight, that gets out of control!

I have the woman's compound under surveillance, but the other sections of the camp, where the boys and men are, well we can't watch everybody there! There are no more surveillance cameras! No more Police! You men. You men, he yelled, must police your selves, and show restraint!
The woman are under the control of the Lord alone! I will watch them! And who trespasses, will be a slave!

That's, exactly what I heard him say! I heard the man! I heard him with my own hears, not second hand talk, I heard him and he said : Anyone can discuss these things, or have objections, he said, they can feel free to see him in private!
So listening, and checking him out, and taking it in the context in the time we're living in, we weren't exactly pleased, but! Why did he say Lord? What did that man mean by that? 
It was very interesting meeting, and I think it helped everybody and me, to get to know him in a different light. He certainly sounded different, not so Honky tonky cowboyish, a little more refined! It was hard to believe it was Big Rex, speaking! His accent was gone! He walked differently, and sounded funny, like, like, it wasn't him! But, we got to know and meet each other too, briefly! All in all, she said, I came away a little scared, but not as scared about him, or our future as I was before, the lady said to Judy, in a soft low, under the breath, contemplative tone! Then, Judy, let her head sink down, looking at the ground, as if depressed, no more direct eye contact, with the woman! She let all that she had heard, sink in deeply! It was confusing! And she looked lost, uncertainty she had crossed, and it shown on her expression, without another word being uttered by her! 

[ 291 ] 

So, to be sure, Judy made it her business, to be at the next meeting, and she thought it was like going to school. But, the man she called BR, that she knew, when she first met him that morning, back on the hill, he showed off that he had many personalities, but now, he hadn't changed! BR, still spoke in his southern cowboy drawl! Anyway, BR, was teaching us what to do, and do what ever it took, if we get in trouble outside the camp alone, and to have survival options! 

 It was especial interesting, the part where he talked about food! BR, said, before the crowd, who listen attentively to his every word : 
Now, y'all, got to know, what y'all got to know! What we don't got, and what we got! 
One thing we don't got, is unlimited food. SO! 
So, that no way, means we got to resign our selves to future food shortages, as an eventuality! There's options, not the best, nothing you all, gone to cheer about, but, nevertheless options! We got learn how to farm by growing stuff! We gone learn a lot of things. Days will come, we gone have to do without. Day will come we gone have to eat stuff, we are not accustomed to eat. Mind y'all, the list is long, destroyed world wide and permanently gone, there ain't no grocery stores, no more, no Mc'Donalds, no more Whole-foods Supermarkets, no more Russian stuff, like 12 Mesyatsev, no Ebay, no Alibaba, NO! No more Amazon! We my dear folks, are toast!

We're are back, let, er, um,  let me tell you something, like it or not, we're way, way, back. Back in pre-historic times, ancient times, food wise! Year, we got the boat supplies, but that's not gone last forever!
Let me tell you something, you're not the person you was! And, sure as you standing there, the person you are now, you're not gone be, a few months from now! Cause we got to do, what we got to do, anyway, we can, cos' we got to do it!

Survive, survive. Wass'up with that? That's the bottom line, that's gotta be on your mind!

There, is a time, a time for every thing! Like now, shucks! There's a time to learn to survive eating stuff. Stuff like what? Well, stuff like, like, crickets, put a little chocolate on that cricket, and fry that bad boy up, nice a crunchy!
You got ants, worms, snakes, birds, and bugs and critters, and other things! Shucks, Y'all, I know,   .   .   .  This at first, you hearing it, might be, just a wee bit, a little revolting. Like, hey, totally crazy! But, hold on now! See, our primitive ancestors , and jungle dudes! They done done it! That's why we alive to day! And now we in primitive times!  Just cos' you not accustom to it! Now, imagine, if it's gone save your life! If you find a bug, eat the sucker! You heard the old saying : If it don't kill you, it will make you stronger, get it ? So, I'd like y'all, children, and moms and dads, to be brave cowboys and cowgirls! Start off, with eating super tiny barely visible bugs! Super tiny, like a tiny, tiny spec, after your put that in your mouth, you'll notice, you can't taste it because it's so small. You'll learn it can't kill you. Over time you'll get your mind acclimated to it! 
A group of teens siting in the front, were giggling, and in the group was the boy, Baxter, who asked : Boss, whats that? 
What's what? Acclimated, asked Baxter, smiling ear to ear, cause he never heard of anybody eating bugs before?

For you, and you children listening, acclimated simply means you'll get use to it! You will get use to it, and it will come as being the natural thing to eat, and you'll graduate, to eat some bigger stuff, and you be doing good. See, someday you might have to make a long journey all by yourself, you might get lost! And rather get sick and die of hunger, you eat what you can for now, understand me? What ever it is to get by, cos :

The main thing is to survive, fishy! If you don't got no fish, you eat a bug! You eat a slug! You eat a snake, you eat anything alive, to stay alive. Get it? Don't forget it!  Anything! I need all of y'all alive! He said looking around at the faces in the audience, dead seriously! 

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BR, we see him someplace else, chatting, and rappin, with Dizzy.
Now, Dizzy, had survived the blast of the explosion rather well, and although he was now retarded, and screwy, he nevertheless was recovering quickly from his burns, but, he had gotten his chest scorched, pretty bad! And it was badly scorched and skin got stripped off his chest, leaving a good amount of his under skin exposed, forming a big white x, mark across the black skin of his big chest, giving him an  appearance, some folks, found a little scary, and dam right ominous! 

He was a changed man, he was unresponsive, depressed, and had fallen into the dark side of his personalities, suffering from dementia and childlike retardism!
He was little baby, in his head! A bad baby! He even talked like child! A child brain! A bad baby big enough to kill with one hand! 

BR, saw this, and took him aside in his office cave, and had a long patient talk with the boy!
BR, got to explaining to him, basic stuff, intensify his ego, telling him, that he mommy! Big REx, is his mother, and gone take care of him! And he must do what his mommy says, BR, was generally brain washing what was left of his brain, so he'd be BR's, servant, fighter and protector! Big Rex, ain't stupid!
BR, thought damaged goods or not, he could mold this man over time, and eventually, rely on his strengths! He figured Dizzy's mind was the same a person who had a bad bout of tantrum insanity! What happens to a person ending and coming out of a tantrum insanity? What would they feel, isolation? They would feel the need for someone to console him, and, so BR, tried to console the boy! He put his hands on his shoulder, and rubbed it, and tried to inspire the man, to be more of a man, and get up his ego back up!  
Boy, he said smiling and looking at him in his eyes, there's good days, and there are bad days! Now, you and me, gone have some good days, but you got look on the bright side! You got be horny ! Its gone take awhile, but, yes, I know they done cut it! But you can dream boy! Ha, ha, ha, you can dream! Reach for the stars, I am convinced better days are coming! You just do what I say, when I say it and you'll be fine! Ok, answered Dizzy! No, not OK, say OK, Mommy! "Ok, Mommy!" That's better now, you know what I really would like to do, is fix your brain! Put some computer parts in the brain grid, to see how it works! Maybe, after the camp is organized, and running by it self, and I have some free time, we'll begin the experiments! OK? OK, mommy!  

Later in the day, we see BR alone!

BR, was outside,  looking like a loner! His cowboy hat, pulled down to keep the sun out of his eyes! He was just sitting on a boulder, busying his hands, with a large white towel, and wiping down the dust off his pistols and the barrels of his rifles, and checking them out. He had taken inventory of his Amo, and concluded he was in short supply, worrying his eye!

He had been alone up there, for a good, good while! He was probably thinking and conjuring up some gosh awful plan he had in mind!

He looked like a rough cowboy dude in a bad mood in the outbacks of a bad day in may!

It was a beautiful day, the high for the day was 83º degrees, according to a thermometer he took out, from the boat! 

It was a little past 3 o'clock in the after noon, and the sun could be seen shiny and brite, if you looked out way beyond the periphery of the upper Earth and the lower Earth, in the distance, and it was real beautiful like! 

In the distance down below some bodies foot steps could be heard as it nears, as it walked on dry leaves down below making sounds. 
Then, suddenly, a voice said Hi! Hi, came a sweet sounding female voice, that would melt a man's heart and jump start him to boot! 

It was Saddie, she said hi, in a kind of sing song-ish way, real friendly like! It was that girl, Saddie, that girl he remembered, he saw down in the dark of the boat before! Hard to imagine it, cause right now, she looked like one heck of a bodacious lady, compare to the wet dirty dis-sheveled depressed expressionless being, in the dark, when he first saw her! 

The aspect and look on her face today, was ripe full healthy complexioned, and her temperament and mood vital and happy, enjoying herself and full of life!

It got a rise out of him seeing her now!

It would be difficult to remember her, as one of the girls, who was so terribly depressed back then, she was planning to commit suicide, with the other girl, named, Judy, by holding her nostrils! Of course, that was then, and this is she, now. The difference was like night and day, and her attractiveness, she possessed now, by no means, certainly didn't go un-noticed by BR!

She looked too good to die, thought BR! Now, after a few days out of that boat, and having time to gain her life's stride and with her self esteem back! She approached him from the back, and walked up to him smiling like he was an old friend from way back! She saw, BR, seated by his lonesome, alone wiping his guns, in the sun! Polishing them up! And it attracted her! She approached real lady like, like a woman checking him out! She looked by the way she was moving her hips, and batting her eyelids, she was a woman wanting something! Could it be him? But, that said, she wasn't wearing much, a tight black bluejeans, a white blouse showing a spot of cleavage, not much, but just enough, to get his attention! Whether that was her intention or not, who knows?  She arrived at his side and she stood over him, watching him, and her shadow covered him, so that they were not bother by the light of the sun, but could see each other clear as a bell!

When he raised his head up to look at her his eyes glanced at her face then down slowly scanned her breast, then continued, and sank down to her feet then back up to her eyes again, and she felt them on her, studying her! She didn't know what he was thinking, but what ever it was, she had her own agenda, women always do, sometimes!
She, placed her hand on her hips, looked deep into his eyes, and smiled, looking at him as his eyes met hers, she said it again, hi, big guy!

And the cowboy pushed his old dark leather Cowboy hat back on his head, as he heard her, and twisted around, cocked his neck back, and around to look real good at her! He, took a second or two, before he said anything, and thought before he replied, thinking about this lady, who was saying such a sweet breathy hello!
The sound of her, left good feelings in him, down below and on top his mind got up, his voice rough but soft, as he said, top of the day, anyway to you, young lady. You and me, we haven't talked in a while? Don't blame me, you been a busy man! BR, nodded his head in agreement, and turned his head smiling, and resumed picking up the long barrel of the rifle, he called ,' Tits,'  and wiped it rubbing it faster like it was important, when it wasn't. Was she making him, a touch nervous, who knows?

He recognized her right a way, but, he lied and made believe he for got her name and asked her,  What your name again, sorry I forgot! Saddie, you met me before as saddie, but my spiritual name, my friends call me is Good-sky, see I am part indian! Well, shucks, shot my mouth, hi, saddie and hell,  hello sky good dog! What you speak backwards? When I see a pretty lady, as charming as you, I don't know what gets into me? You been in the right world? Who knows? 

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She blushed, her emotions mixed, switched the topic, quickly and blurted out, less her intentions be known, and said casually as she tossed her head back to the sky and said, 

"It looks like its gone rain? "

YEP, Year it do, said BR, in a whisper looking up at her tremendous female torso. Gosh, he said looking at it, we sure can use it! I know I could, he said looking at her breast!
We haven't seen a drop, this will be the first rain we got too! 
Oh, my! Right you are BR!
This will be a cause for a celebration if it happens, he said as he casually put out his palm of his hand, up to her for her to smack it! It what's culturally done in America called, "Give me five," So he said to her ,"give me five on that Good-sky, " he said smiling! And, so she did smiling, she slapped his open palm of his hand hard, SMACK, and they smiled and laughed, ha, ha, ha,  together, too! 

How many times when I see it raining, I think this is the last thing I want to see! 
What, why is that ? 
Rain .. 
Whys that? 
It bugs me? 
Cause  that means the sun ain't out! 
Well, you can't have both?
Oh, no sometimes you can! 
When the rain rains, when the suns out, too! 
Oh, hell year, haven't you ever heard of  Sun showers! Sun showers, is what its all about! 
Hey, you know, you got a smart head on your shoulders, I didn't think of that, and you know what else? 


What's that?

When, I was just a snot nosed kid, I used to run in the rain and I was the happiest I could ever be! 
Why BR? Ha, ha, ha, he laughed out loud real hard, as old memories flooded his head!  Cause my teacher, when I was in school, she, told me that when it rains, it doubly strengthens the brain, and my brain was so stupid when I was in school, so, I thought the best thing I could do was to play in the rain and drown my self in it! Ha, ha, ha!

I played in it as much as I could! Ha, ha, ha! 

I thought, if I walked in the rain, I'd get smart! Ha, ha, ha, ah, I bet you were kind of smart just didn't know it?

Hell, Saddie, re, um, Good sky lady, hell no! When I was a little boy I was so stupid, what when I heard a radio playing I thought the maker of the radio, open it up, and put little people inside who could sing and talk, ha, ha, ha, oh, yep, now you see, how I was a big dummy, but thats the way it  was! Ha, ha, ha! You certainly look nice when you laugh today, Saddie! Gosh, darn it, won't you give me some of what you got? It's not for men! Well, then recommend something! You can do some push-ups! I like to see men do push ups! That'll perk you up! I like being perked up too, ha, ha, ha, You got a nice smile too! Wow, thanks, why all the compliments, not that I am complaining? 

Well, after a bit of time we see and appreciate things we didn't notice before, he said looking at her!

Besides, You deserve it Saddie, er, um, sky, er um Good sky! 


You see, where I come from, throwing flowers with pretty words, is the way to a girls heart. 
So, you want a way to get in? 
If you let me? 

Again , she blinked, and jump quickly to switch the subject and said hurriedly, 
BR, er, um, er um, I came by cause we are out of coffee, wonder if you could get some! Sure can, when you need it? Now, ha, ha, ha!

Anything for you, said BR, smiling , just give a little while to finish up with my pistols, and fetch it for you!

But, listen how about a date, later so we can finish this conversation? 
Surely, you can join me, and have a cup of coffee with me, in the cave, beyond, the office I made in the cave, there are various smaller caves there, with no ceilings just large holds in the ceilings, thats opened to the sky! The sun shines in real cool like!  I invite to have coffee there with me, and check it out with me too? Sounds interesting, OK!
Cool! It's a date, I'll come and get you, he said, to her smirking up at her, as she turned, blinked at him, smiling, knowing they both got something going on together, and she started back down the surface of the boulder. She, could feel his eyes on her, and when she got down maybe forty feet away, she turned and caught him still eyeing her, she smiled and waved, then kept on walking. "Was it in their minds their tingling feelings of attraction, for to be, joint feelings, the mind must know the vision sought, and the body touched, so to us, it's not imaginary but real, and it takes two to make it real, so that both minds can feel the attractions zeal!"

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Well, said BR, I was relaxing and was shining my rifle, when I saw my man Jonathan, walking towards me again, and the boy had a worried look on his face.

What brings you boy?

 Boss, said Jonathan with a heavy heart, looking very serious, and the by the tone of his voice, you could tell something awful had happened!
Boss, I got to tell you, The men, the crew that you sent out, looking for car parts, they died! They're all dead. All of them except for one. A man called Terrance . He is the only one alive, but he's hurt and I don't think he's has long to live. He wants to talk to you. And I don't think he's got much time boss! You better come right away!

Where is he?
 Just on the outskirts of camp, Boss!
Tell me what happened. He says were not alone. There's bad people out there. But according to him, they're not human.
 So, BR, left right away. Jonathan took him to the man, BR, saw Terrance, who was badly beaten, a had big scratches, and bruises, on his head, and was dying, laying on the ground and BR, bent down and asked. Tell me boy, who did this?
The Ice-wholers. Ice-wholers? That's the name we call them.
Terrance said coughing, he could barely speak, and knew he was not long for this world, and needed to warn BR. 
You got know, you got to know! We are not alone. No, no we are not alone! We got company!
What, what are you saying boy?
Me, cough, me, me and the men were walking, searching for metal, and there was earthquake, a big sinkhole open up, we fell into a whole maybe twenty feet or thirty feet deep.
Down in whole, we found underground, there was giant walls of mountains of ice. They are like icebergs, icebergs under ground icebergs, hidden under ground, that must have come up to the surface when the earth split apart. It was covered over with sand, before.

It was big whole we fell into and couldn't climb out. We were trapped.

As the sun rose up, it heated up the ice, we saw bodies in the ice, it was  people, a race of man, that we thought must be ancient kind of Neanderthals or something! They looked like plants, a race of plant men. They, were frozen, and now once the ice melted they came back to life, and they when they stood up, they were huge, three times my size, they wanted to eat us for food, and had swords and they took us one by one, and threw us, as high as they could in the air, and when we fell back down, they held up the pointy swords, so we would fall on it!

We'd fall on their swords and they cut us up and eat us, I was the last one left, they had killed all the others.

 They, they grabbed me, one big monster man, bigger than the others, he grabbed and swang me around and around and, and let me go, and swung me up high in the air, so high. I am a small man, and don't weigh much, and I was thrown up higher than the edge of the whole, out of the whole, and I thought, I must escape. Now, I am a sky diver, I knew what to do, so I open my jacket and used it to catch the air and instead of falling down, I maneuvered the air so I flew sideways to get to the edge of the ice whole, and I grabbed some old tree roots, and, and held on, and climbed out, and that saved my life.

I ran, I thought they were going get out and come to get me, but, then, and then, and then, suddenly there was another earthquake, and cover ed up the whole back up! I fell down, and I realized, I was safe for now, and made my way all the way back here, and your men found me, he said. BR, looked disturbed, the news was not at all what he had expected. The men closed his eyes, and said, you got to know you got to know, we are not alone!
His last words! We are not alone!

Now, after he died, when they searched the mans clothing, they found he had drugs and had been drinking, and now they thought maybe the man was hallucinating, and imagining all this.
 Everybody was very skeptical, and BR, ordered Garfield and Mikey his slaves to bury the man!  


And so, a little later, he gathered up his guns, and return them to his secret place!  He, now went into the deep back section of the cave, and climbed up the wooden stair case, he had built and unlocked, the metal door, and rolled back the corrugated door, he stole out of the boat, and went inside, and about five minutes or so later, he brought out several boxes of a coffee called, 'Chock full of Nuts,' brand of coffee, and carried the boxes with the help of his side kicks, the Captain and Dizzy, back to the part of the cave they used as the kitchen, section, and left them there. 

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Meanwhile we check out what's happening at Tenika's brand new make shift, Hair Salon, called the," JumbaLiar Hair Salon!"

The salon was open now, tenika was trilled! And it's open from noon time till after dinner time! And was composed of seven beat up old geo adjustable, modulator, chairs, they got out of the boat, spray painted pink! The chairs were in such bad condition, that they sprayed it pink, so it wouldn't look so bad!

And they had a big thick, plain colored dark green rug, placed on the sandy rocky ground outside, inside a rickety blue plastic tent, supported on four metal poles, that are slightly leaning to the left, that her husband, Bobbie Ritter tore out of the boat! 
Plus, she had a series of long orange extension cords, connected to a generator, she/he, got permission from BR, to use so they could turn on their radio, their computer screen showing old movies, and eight tiny hair dryers, they dragged out of the boat! 

And, for air conditioning, there was a small black wired fan that rotated from right to left! And several old time, old styled, chinese fans, she cut out of cardboard, she made herself, so people could fan themselves

In the corner of the tent on a table, were, a bunch of old Ipads charging! And VR, kits charging up too, so her costumers can them put on. And she stole out of the boat, several nuero interface modulators, the type you can strap on your forehead, too! For those girls, who want to get their brains charged up! In the medical dispensary, they even found, Mohoobies, those pills rich girls take, that make them have enhanced sexy dreams!

She got out of the boat lots of talking books, and lots of these old style Apple and Google eyes glasses to listen to, and read stuff!

 And Tenika, had a suitcase full of hair products! All kinds! She has hair sprays, bottles of expensive shampoos, deep cleaning oils, and all kind of motorized vibrators, you can charge up, for rent!
And a whole box, of scented soaps and boxes of finger nail polishes, and paste on nails, paste on eye lashes, paste on eyebrows, paste on nipples, all colors and sizes. And she had a fake paste on big butt, for rent, for woman physically challenged in the behind! She had hair wigs too, every color including blue! And also for sale, she had a panty the size of elephant too!
Plus, A metal bronze brush to clean the dirt from under finger nails! She stole out of the boat, brushes, scissors, combs, and on a white oval table, in the center of the green rug, she has nail files, made out of metal so when she can reuse them by washing them! Plus, when her clients need to go, she's got toilet paper! They got an out-house, made out plywood, its private hole in the ground, just a short walk, perhaps about, two hundred feet away behind a boulder! 

We listen in on a conversation :
Tenika the proprietor, is speaking, as she attends her new costumers!

Edgar told me! Me!
I, girl,  I am telling you, he left that bitch! 


Easy come, easy go!
Clothes on, clothes off, that's the way it goes!
Really I thought they made a good fit! Fit, Anything can fit! 

When you got viagra, or any of those sex pills!
But you need more than a fit to keep a couple together!

What about mike? I heard he was seeing Margi, but he so fat! Honey, whats fat got to do with it? 
Long as he can move it! Hell year, as long as he can stick it in, in? Ha, ha, ha! Tell me about it! Fat, don't hinder nothing. What about that fat bad soul singer from long ago! Whats his name?  Who? That singer, whats his name,  the big fat black dude, that use to belt out love songs in a deep, deep voice that was soft a silk? He voice would melt your panties off! You talking about, Barry White? Year, him, Great american singer, cool!
Year, but, but,
That was a thousand years ago, a long, time ago! Year, true, but I heard of his songs, before he kicked the bucket! He was fat, but he didn't have any trouble getting women!
But, say, you know whose cool! BR! Oh, shit! But, but he nuts retorts, one customer with her head hidden under a white, over sized towel, waiting patiently hoping to get deep rub massage? 
Nuts he got, but he's the one running the show! 
Rumors has it, that crazy cowboy,  he has two ships now! No?
And, check this out! Its called Flowers!
What's called Flower!
Honey, thats the name of his new boat!
It's a fix er upper!  
And they fixing her up, and fixing, to move into that boat, too, honey!

You heard me! Shit! Girl, please! How you know?
Cause I don't know, but they say they gone make a new city out of it, so we can all live in it, and its bigger than our boat, and got containers of food! 

More containers of food, than you got hairs on your bald head honey, ha, ha, ha, ha ,  .


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And they found people on that boat, and all are his prisoners and got clean up everything! 
How many people? I don't know, what I do know, he said all the women belong to him, and if a man wants a woman he's got to work for Big Rex! Or no sex!
And he's in charge of who gets sex!
Who the hell is he? He is Big Rex!


Well, he is not in charge of me, said Tenika, angrily as she washed one ladies hair, pulling on it and yanking it around to dry out the water in it!
Ow, yelled the lady! What the hells wrong with you?

Oh, sorry honey! I got carried away, apologized Tenika smiling! and then standing in the center of her salon, swinging a wet towel around, snapped, 
No, Man! I say no Man!  But my Goddam, man owns me, honey!

Year! Hey you know what? I think he's gay!


What's wrong with that?
No, no what I mean, I haven't seen the guy with any women! So I am just saying he might be gay! And what the hell is wrong with being gay?
Tenika, up yours OK!
Look, chill it, I didn't say anything is wrong being gay! Who you telling to chill it ? Ha, ha, ha !
Stop the bullshit! Did you hear about Edgar?
Whose Edgar, don't know him! He's cool! And, girl please, talk about handsome OMG! The dude, looks like a movie star, lordy me he is handsome! No shit? For real! So, let me tell you what went down! He brought this blond chick here, the other day!
He, says, hey you, he says to me, heres my girl! 
And he told me to fix her up!
So I looked around at this handsome guy, and then at this wash out stringy looking kid, he was calling his girl! She looks like preppy college girl, you she came in you know how teenage girls got this style of walking around in their panties, nowadays?


What was her problem?
Bitch was sick! She strode in with a bad social skills, and she had a bad case of acne that made her look like she had lumpy bumpy Alligator skin on a good day! Don't want to know, what she looked like on a bad day!
Plus bitch had a bad, bad attitude! 

Hey, I said to my self, looking at that face, dam, shit, this girl needs plastic surgery, how the hell can I fix her up?
Ha, ha, ha! But I didn't tell him that, of course! Oh no, Ha, ha, ha!  So, er, um,  So, I says to him you, you got money? No, but I can do some carpentry work for you in exchange! I am a good carpenter! Whats it gone cost? Well, I said I'll tell you. Let me, first, take a look at her and ask her what she needs first, OK, I told him!
So, honey,  I said to the woman, what you need? So, she says to me, I want my hair washed, and cut, plus, a shape face message with lanolin and egg whites, then she asks, you got a hair dryer, shit yes, I said sit you butt in that chair over there! 
So, I did the job, best I could, considering what I had to deal with! Ha, ha, ha! And then when its time to get paid, the carpenter boy friend backs out of the deal, trying to tell me, me, telling me he's broke up! Cause while she was getting her hair done he found another chick, I say what? Ain't, this a bitch!

OMG, exclaims, Sherry listening! Then, the other women laughs, ha, ha, ha!
So, what happened?
So, the man is standing in front of me, is telling me this boat load of crap, right! 
Me, I am, I am saying to my self, please lord, help me keep my cool!
Cause you got to know I got temper management issues, sugar! Ha, ha, ha!

Well! Go on! What happened next? Well, shut up, let me finish! So, So, he runs this shit by me, right, that he's got a new girl friend, and he's not got nothing to do with the old one, I worked on! That she is on her own! So, I said, listened, and said : I don't give mother [ BLEEP ] about your new girl friend! You still owe me from the old girl sitting in my chair, now!
You, gone pay her bill, now, so far as I am concern she is still your girl friend? 
Oh no she's not, so the his girl sitting in my chair, gets pissed off, gets up and start kicking him and she spitting on him! So, all hell breaks out now! These guys are fighting and carrying on!
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No, really?  
So, So, So, that's when my hubby Ritter came by, and step into the fray! He heard what was going down, so he yells at him. Now, do you want to get your ass kicked, or are you gone pay up, cause now we want cash! To hell with the carpentry!
So what happened, asked the woman from under the towel? 
Well, Margi, the other chick, that was doing the nails! She jump up and rushed over and whispered in my ears, that we could certainly use a wooden floor instead of this rug, we are standing on! 
Now truth, be told. I am tired of this stupid studio rug, we got, cause it is so lumpy! Beside I can't stand the color green! 

So that got my ass, thinking! So I calmed down and signaled to my honey, Ritter to chill, out, and leave, and let me handle it! So, he slipped-out, and walked out to the side!

And er, um, so, so I said, er, um, oh, you know what? What? We do need a wooden floor for the salon, can you help? So the dude, looks down at the floor, and looked at me, than back down at the floor. And he decides to measure it! 
But, he don't, got no measuring tape to measure with. Can you imagine a carpenter dude, with no tape measure? 
OMG! ha, ha, ha!
So, guess what? What? He gone do it with his feet, now, guess what? 
The dude, don't got no shoes, OK! Ha, ha, ha! 

But, I say to my self, well, hey let him do his thing, so I am watching the dude carefully like cat watches a mouse!

So, he does it, by putting one foot in front of the other, and measuring saying one, two, three feet etc! And, honey, let me tell you, he figures it out correctly! Its twenty eight feet, long, and eighteen feet wide, which is correct!
I knew that shit!
So, I said to my self, well at least he's not stupid, cause shit, I could have told him that the rug is twenty eight feet by eight teen feet, if only the dude had only asked! 
Well, he says smiling, he don't see why he couldn't put in a nice floor for me. So, he says, he told me he would speak to BR, for permission, to rip out some nice planks from the boat, and he could sand them up, and when their cut to size and cleaned up and shiny, he'd bring them over and install them! So what happen? Nothing, honey child, that was two days ago! I am still waiting! I ain't heard from the man! What is this handsome guys name?   Bonaparte! Bonaparte? Thats right handsome name, and one hell of a hunk! He's handsome? 

Got that right! Looks like Di Caprio when is was young decades back! But cuter! Oh lordy hows his butt? Tight!

Ain't that right?

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And his got a body to die for! He has no trouble getting ladies! I tell you that much!
I could use Bonaparte! We all could use Bonaparte ha, ha, ha!   I'll  pay him, ha, ha, ja! Me Too! Oh, ha, ha! 

I need a man, says, the girl from under the big white towel! It's been so long! 

I hear you!
The woman under the towel thinking to herself suddenly, says to herself, regrettably shocked that she would dare utter the dismal truth, to her self let alone verbally in the company of desperate strangers, caught in a bad dream! But she did, she says to her, I did! How, and why would I say that?  My upbringing taught me better!

My lord, did I really say that in public, "I need a man," thought the girl from under the big white towel! My previous life, imbued with select privileged companions and gentry of impeccable taste, and partaker of the swank island corners of life, with distinctive ambiance, and as such a girl, such as me, coming from the upper classes, before the end of the world! 

Now, I must face the stark fact. That, the life I was born into is not my destiny any more– my decisions are! But, what I do, is shaped by what is, and here I am amidst a class I have little in common with! But that concept must be tossed, because here on this life-raft of life, we are all equally adrift on a new unknown journey, where it will lead, dare no one to venture to guess, let alone me, for I am as clueless as the rest of the people here!
The voice we here is from the lady under the towel in the salon waiting to get her face moisturized by Tenika.
Her name is Judy! Her whole name, is Champagne, Judicandiana banoli Dastrami, was born August 21, 2025, and was a designer DNA, baby, She had wealthy parents who desired to used a genome editing technique called CRISPR to rid their child of the possibility of hereditary diseases! and her parents chose how they wanted her to look! It's something poor people cannot afford!  You could be, superior, money thats all it takes A fact no one talks of, but everyone knows!

She was known by her wealthy family name, Judicandiana, daughter of a prominent Connecticut hedge fund creator, known as the Dikcons! She was raised and grew up in a wealthy neighborhood called Forest Hills in Toronto, Descending from Italian and more instant Canadian roots, she was the younger of five children. A fashion student enthusiast, and studied nursing therapies! Her affluent upbringing provided her with many benefits, the most preponderate was a well grounded education and head and philosophy that was well grounded, but here, now in this world,  it is like having someone come up from behind and knock you off balance? All that she was accustomed to went away that day the world ended. Her world, now alone, surrounded by strangers she must live, live to survive! Here her new friends, now are these people not by choice, but necessity, she peeks out from under the towel listening to the very loud gross foul mouth, babbling of the gossiper queen, Tenika! A drop out kid of the  pop culture. She opened a salon and doesn't try to aim to appear cultured. Tenika, she doesn't know what the word means, thinks Judy critically! You, she thinks, you can just look at her or him, she's got so much, much make up on, not knowing that you are not putting on make-up for a stage performance. The folks in this camp, aren’t looking at you from the second balcony! They are standing close to you, and your makeup should be subtle, not tribal thick wick, and lordy me,  not tabloid tacky! But, what lady, who, to her, would reveal that? Certainly not Me! Oh course the martini shakers are going to love her, his, drama, and innuendoes, preposterously represented street level diatribes, with details worthy of a slum book! But, I take no comfort in morbid loose details of the sordid twisted tales about the faults of others, when each and every one of us, owns a closet full or secrets, we would rather not talk about!

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Judy, goes on thinking! I don't fit in here, thank God! But left to breathe, or die, I am here in this place! "This garbage dump of a thing she dares call a Hair salon," 
I come, because none other exist! 

Other wise I wouldn't be caught dead in here or in her presence! 
Nevertheless, I am out of my class, and off my game, and the fact, my revelation about me needing a man, is said, and out there!

I didn't mean to reveal it! 

I hope it is forgotten soon quickly, and nothing bad comes out of it!
Still, am I so different ? A ladies biological needs, on some level are the same despite your upbringing?
Still, I shouldn't have voiced my inner thoughts openly like that, she ponders disconcertingly to herself.

Men, I  for one, don't know why that crazy BR, keeps popping up, in my head? It is a mystery to me? He is a mystery to me! I owe him my life, for saving me, crazy or not! He's crazy, sometimes, sometimes not! But still men, they usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy! Believe it! It is real. But only for a season. For as much joy they give you, they spike it with pain also, for some reason! Not that we women are no better! Chicken little cried the skies falling, and the world ended, but, not our inner longings needs, to be stroked, kissed, that will always be, despite the sky falling above thee!

Life's relationships that last a long time, are rare and each teach you, if you are lucky, lifetime lessons! 

I wonder whether I should wait for him to court me? I have to wait, it's lady like! I got my pride, still I don't know? In my former life, with so many elite fish in the sea, who the hell would think of him! He'd be the last person I would consider for marriage, perhaps a one nighter, if no one knew about it? But here and now in my new reality, he's got the power here over my destiny! And ever since I was a little girl, I was always attracted to powerful men! He might not have been powerful in my life before the world split apart, but he sure is in my life now, and I just want to take and dump my inhibitions and just go stalk him, make my feelings known! But, I wasn't that type of girl before. So although I want to, its hard to get over me as I was before, and just do what my instincts tells me to do! But here in my mind, to myself, I admit I want him, I crave him!

"Explorers on safaris for love, must enjoy it more, if they have had none for a long time"

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To continue to CHAPTER 12,  scroll down below and check it out!

Hi! It's me , Madcow sammy, OMG,  talk about folks with a problem, if they don't got a problem, they gone have a problem! But besides that, these folks, if they only knew whats in the dinner, they might be inclined to pass! I think all o them got a big surprise coming!  Believe that!! I know I would, I'd skip eating big time! And the folks that was in that boat needs to get their heads examined quick! They got issues. I know BR and The Captain do! These guys are unbelievable!  Wow, 
Luckily my Iphone alarm, went off again, and woke me up! " Oh Boy! " Anyway, I really got to consult Toni, cause this is too much! I got to tweet him, anyhow, I just got another tweet! It's my girl, Madcow Lady Ga Ga again! Oh how cool! Got to fly bye! Stay tuned, this is just the beginning!   I got to run now, bye, adios, adieu, A plus tard Mes amis, abschied, Wiedersehen, 這麼長時間現在,我們看到你很快 ,告別 ,작별, 別れ ,Прощай ,الوداع ,veda , addio ,Żegnaj, bye bye, to da loo!



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