Stories of bad personalities, with other worldly genes and powers! We invite you if you dare, to go on adventures into the mind, to meet bad personalities of another kind, from which you cannot forget or escape!
Year, . . . that's right. I eat people! You gotta problem with that? You, you best mine your business, or I'll eat you! Sucker!
Mother F'er!
What the hell you looking at? Huh? Bumble Bugga Bitches! You don't know what's going on! You don't know nothing! I like it like that! Why? You're not supposed to know nothing!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, . . .
Am I upsetting you? Did I? Did I upset you? I didn't upset you yet? Go! Get out! You're not welcome here! Get back, get out of here! I'll show you what upset is, . . . said the stranger in the shadows, as suddenly, the sounds from someone from another world filled the air.
[ click and tap twice here to listen ]
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The Tweets of Madcow Sammy
[ 1 ]
Where, oh, where does a sleepy man sleep, if not for his sleep, he'd be awake, in a black dark place, facing his demons shark.
Dreaming? Sleep dreaming?
Sometimes you'd get trapped, and never wake up, for him, his dream life, is a jail, it felt like he entered another world, in a horrific storm gail. The stormy winds moved fast, but, . . . Time it stood still, he fell ill, between the cracks in the red clock of time, took on the life of another criminal in crime, a slimy version of himself, personalities brother, he never knew he had another, living in a time-loop that was bad! Bad! Bad! In the dark space, in his mind. The dark space loops of another time, the dimensions of which were, the dark anti time, fractal dimensions of the unknown, was his eventual home. Who is he? Who is he? Who? His name is, is Big Rex.
Ext. Sun is setting over a desert town. Camera captures the image of a shadow of man way off in the distance, walking towards us.
[ 2 ]
[ A shadow? We see a shadow of a man, we see a man dressed as a cowboy. He is coming closer, but it's in slow motion. One slow motion minute, and fast motion the next, as if time slicing. He's walking out of a scene of what looks like, a kind of desert, with lots of mountain ranges, big desert expanses, dotted with many strange looking tall, blueish green cactus plants, that look like long, skinny green fingers! Skinny fingers with long nails! Skinny fingers, with long pointy nails covered with thorns, pointing to the blue sky, above.
Passed, a grave yard one day he'll make his bed. When we look at him, we are seeing, it's another kind of version of Big Rex himself. A different self, a self similar but different person? As he gets closer, he's got the same facial features, same beard, same cold eyes that seemed capable of looking right into your soul. But, dressed with a bullet holed cowboy hat on his head, looking like he came out of the ground dead, nasty and mean. And he says : ]
Dam sun, that dam sun, hot as all hell, always shining, shining down on me, got something against me? Trying to cook me? Cook me up! Sun, ain't no dam friend o mine. But, one of these Goddam days. I' am gonna shine down on it, and put a bullet in it, said Big Rex, angrily and sounding very vindictive, as if the sun was his arch enemy.
[ 3 ]
It was high noon, the type of high noon, where death lurks and some unsuspecting soul dies. And the air, something about it, strange, something was in the air, a strange feeling lurking there. Under the big bright western sun, the sky hot clouds, slowly evaporated. One by one, till it, till the sun, was hung out, shining down like a police flashlight, blinding you in the eye, just over your head! Asking the question, are you the one to die? Only thing it was hot, you felt the heat on your skin a lot. It was hot and burning.
But this scene is no ordinary scene, no ordinary place, inside the outer-body experiences of space, everything is dream like. There were parts of this world, where the sun don't shine.
And nobody cares if you're dead or alive or out of your mind.
Something, something was stirring, stirring up time it self, and it was nothing good! No! No! Nooooo! It was down below, in the shadows. In the shadows of the weird looking, long, dark mountain ranges, that spread out, all around every where, every where!
And here and there, were these big, huge, pointy jagged chunks of rocks, old as the earth itself, holding secrets in its ancient layers, upon layers, upon layers, of stories of man, and his klans untold!
And deep, deep down, cave filled canyons, abound, they looked like they were carved out of the Earth, by the cutting force of the teeth, of mighty running rivers, from a million years ago!
And the stones, and all those stones all over, big and little, we could see. They came out of the ground!
The reddish, bleached stones, had little sparkles on them, that blinked and glistened in the sunlight, looking like sparkling stars, in a skull with dead eyes! The skull could be a woman, a child, or some animal wild.
And they were sticking out of the sand, all dried out and bleached white by the hot sun, a few bones here, and a few bones there, pointing, pointing up, skeleton fingers to the sky, as if to ask, the sun itself why? And, there were so many bones, too many to count, and they looked like the shadows of lives passed.
[ 4 ]
We just don't know, what we just don't know?
But, the wind, the wind was blowing, and every so often, we could make out sounds traveling in the winds, sounds, coming out from some place far, far away.
Sometimes, it sounded like it was coming from out of the ground.
There were cracks in the earth too, big and wide and canyons abound, that were miles, and miles across. In the caves, down there, a creature was hiding, hiding, hiding. His image, was blurry, difficult to make out. He was not a good scout, hard to make out. We can sensed the moving shadow of his form though! We sensed his form, and he looks thin, narrow from here. His form looks dark from here! We can tell his nature is bitter, and his loneliness is big!
For this place, this unholy place, is like a graveyard out of which no one cannot dig!
One has to feel bad, living here! One Has to feel real bad. His chances are in his minds only, and unsurely!
The place is terrible, dry, sandy, the kind of place where you can easily die, cause it's so hot you'll fry.
It's rocky, and foreboding, hard to breathe here, hard to take, you feel nervous, paranoid, make your teeth ache, a nervous feeling, like the next minute you're gone get bitten by a snake.
Like there's no tomorrow. None!
[ 5 ]
Outside up above, the vast open sandy plains, exists. The Mountains, all the strange fractal terrains, surreal and dangerous, were clipping his hope!
He's got this much going for him, though. He's alive! Yes, and he's a survivor, a tough guy, is he?
Only a fighter, strong man, could stay alive out here alone, no people, no nothing, just bare bones for company!
Company? He gets used to the fact, that he doesn't have any, and lets his imagination run wild.
We see he's got a case of liquor, and drinks it, like it's going out of style, and takes comfort, he's gone mad, cause there's no place else, to go. His desires as big, for real food manned by wines of all kinds, and whisky too!
He ain't got nothing to do.
His fun is to watch the sun come up and go to watch it, as it go down! His aim, might only be to feel like a winner, go hunting, and catch a dinner, of red canyon snake, sun baked, topped, with some, some cool fresh cactus juice, with the bugs and thorns removed!
[ 6 ]
Who is he?
Where does he come from? Why does he choose this God-forsaken dry hell hole to dwell? But, but wait, does it matter to him?
Now, what's his name? There is no one to recall, from whence he came? From whence, he came, really important to him?
Removed is he. He is in Arizona. He, he is trying to remember, if he ever had childhood tender? The white of eyes stand out in his face stark! And when he smiles the cowboy, looks kind of handsome, in a deathly kind of way! What a waste?
He is the picture of a tall rustic kind of cowboy, that looks crazy, because he is.
He doesn't care anymore, he doesn't. He doesn't give a dam about his about his appearance, what people might think, cause out here and there aren't any. He is beyond that, vanity, is a brat!
He is from a pass time, long dead today!
But yet here he is, why? We don't know, he doesn't know, only his destiny knows, and destiny is not saying. It's keeping tight lipped.
His clothes, if you can call those clothes, are rags, all faded, bleached by the constance of the direct sun light bright!
Did you know, the sun can bleach your clothes white? Bleach your bones white, too, when you're dead!
Who knew? And his minds screwed up bad, it's not all totally baked, but well on it's way, going insane today!
He, he tries to remember, when life, was so tender, but each time it gets tougher, tougher for him to remember.
Year it's true, he wears this here wide rim cowboy hat, to keep the sun out of his eyes, at least he tries! And his uncut hair long, from hanging down into his dark tanned face. And that boogie man bullet holed, cowboy hat?
He wears it day in, day out, every day of the year. And in his hair, that rat pet of his? Hiding out! Sometimes it appears, sometimes it don't! Its dark as hell is black, looks like black wet cat, a bad rat'cat, from death-land! Smelly looking, smelly, with a red tongue hanging out, like a black dog! And his hat, that hat!
[ 7 ]
It's in a despicable state, dusty and all raggedy, a bullet hole, or two, or three, with dried snake blood on it! He doesn't care, what he wants is to have his eyes in its shade! It makes him happy, and cool!
Tells what this boy do, tells you what this here, cowboy, has been through! Doesn't it?
Around his neck, he wears a fractal set moon, jewelry, shaped like snowflakes, done up, in whats looks like brass, or, of yellow tin metal. Might be gold?
He wears a long wooden carving of a whistle, looks worn, very old, and you could tell he uses it a lot, by the shiny patina discoloring, its got.
Yep, you can see he' used it a lot! Probably when he goes hunting for hawk birds, to get their attention, while he sneaks up to shoot them. He's looks mean enough to eat the bird without cooking it, and just chewing on them, feathers and all. The long whistle, it dangles around his hairy neck. He has another smaller charm,
Whittled out of dried white buffalo bone, with a hole in the middle, the type you use to call animals, hiding in the bush! You, Hoo. You Hoo, we can imagine him saying to the poor animal, I am going shoot you in the tush!
He was talking, to himself that day, in the shadows, and had a hostile, glint in his eyes. Hey Sally, Sally! Hey Salleeey! Sal ley?
He would brake out in laughter, over something, he either thought, or he'd said to himself. Obviously mad, this man. We presumed, he was thinking about something bad that had happened to him, cause, next, in the next minute he looked different, had a mood change or something?
He had a serious look, that would suddenly, come over his face, was he possibly thinking of some disgrace? Then, one instance and then the next, he'd have a broad grinning pleasant smile, as if he was talking to a woman for a while, a girl friend maybe? He was crazy, definitely!
[ 8 ]
And then he shakes his head, looked all around, looked all around again. And, there would be a twinkle in his eyes, and he'd smile too! As he spoke to himself, he would enthusiastically gesture, with both his hands, explaining something to himself, we couldn't understand.
And when he laughed at something, he laughed, and laughed loud, as if it was really funny, and yell Sal ley!
He would hold his stomach, and laugh, and laugh, and laugh. And laugh some more almost giggling, so many moods had he.
You know, a wild west Arizona styled, vagrant, yes, but a very, strange bad dude.
But who was he? Where was he going? Was he really a loser, a nobody? A hobo, wanderer. A hobo wanderer, always he, always will be, that's him? Who knew the truth?Sleeping in railroad box cars, by day, sleeping in railroad box cars by night!
Traveling light, across country in them, sleeping in them and watching the world go by in them. Sometimes, he would jump off, and stay a spell, especially if it was Arizona where he's from, and accustomed to dwell.
He travel all over, the place, and one day he would be in one of those rickety southern towns, named with a four lettered word, full of kinds,
all types, running around with a head on they necks screwed on backwards, and a crooked heart, crooked eyes looking at yer like a spy, trying to get your money! Gun carrying? Year! Low down and sneaky ? Year! But meet 'em up in saloon, or bar, nice as can be, drinking young see! Fun to be around when they are not fighting and trying to kill each other!
You got good and you got bad town folks, cowboys, red necks, black bling'ers, mexican singers, farmers, small time indian hoods, and more than a few eastern boys, with their fast cars and woman, come out west trying to make a dime on their farms growing out that weed. Growing that weed, fast as they can, before the big companies come along, take over the towns and run them out with a gun!
Life ain't fun sometimes, and what you see is what you get, and you live for today cause you don't know about tomorrow!
Every body pretending to be nice, when in truth, they'd rob their own mother to get a hit.
A little cocaine for the brain! And they wore guns in their holster, eyeing everything that moved, live and dead!
Rex, was his own man, his own law, his own government, something in his genes, his DNA,
made him a killer. Killer genes, that's what he inherited, he couldn't fit in, if it killed him! An odd ball, a person so far out, he should never have been born.
[ 9 ]
A big seven footer So, He thought he ain't got to be scared of nothing! Besides he carried Tits! He carry Tits, his sawed off shotgun, that looked more like a crazy machine gun. That's the nick name he gave his shotgun! She's be with him, where ever he went, she goes! He carried her in his right hand most of the time, or in his shoulder bag, or hidden in the long leather coat he sometimes wore!
He wore a holster belt with a gun on each side of his waist, and had a hunting knife, name Lula too, that he knew how to threw.
Rex, don't take much lip. If you got in an argument with him, if you didn't know, if you weren't a friend of his, he go crazy on yer, something takes him over, he come off really angry, scary like, like some from the dead, and tell you not to talk over him, and was very aggressive, dominating the scene, ready to fight, knew how to fight, and did frequently, and if that fails, he'd shoot!
He'd shoot first, and ask you questions later. Lot of good that'll do you!
But nature has it's reasons, why things are, and in what time, and what seasons! To Rex, life was for players of a game, redistribution of fame and wealth, your money wasn't yours,
it belonged to him, that's if he could get it, and he lived to try. And, to that end was willing to die!
When he didn't have any money, he would get some, saying he'd get his money straight!And get boozed up. Raise hell, with the town folk. And visit the towns bars, and go to the saloons, cause a lot of hell, and steal what he could, and hop back on the trains, and be gone, but not for good! He'd be back, when his wallet was again thin and flat!
[ 10 ]
[ Big Rex, has fallen off the empty open box car train again, comes too, and tries to figure out what happened and talks to himself. ]
Well, . . . well, well seems, seems like I done got liquored up again, and fell from the train. Shit! Fool me, must be insane! Shit, I don't remember a thing, not a dam thing! Drunk I must of been! Oh well, let me see if I can get up, he said as he rolled over, and struggled to get up right, and got on his feet. Unsteady, he shook his head, blinked his eyes, and squinted up and looked all around, and saw the truth. He was a man alone and outta town, and out.
Shit, I must of had one hell-ova good, good time, heh, heh, heh, Oh, year! Cause these panties, stuffed into my shirt, sure in hell didn't get there by themselves. HA, HA, HA, HA, . I don't remember how, usually means I got too drunk to remember, but, I must of had myself a good time in that town! Dag-git, my head hurts, dammit!
I got a hang over and a half. Can't even remember, the name of the town, or the name of the girl I was fooling around, or when I climbed back on board the train car!
Or when I fell off the train. Any hows, I woke up and here I am, in the dead of night, in the bushes next to the rail road tracks, not a good place to be, reeking of whiskey, and I can barely stand up!
My head buzzing! Cousin! Where the blazes am I? Don't knows! Any-hows, just my luck, out here, in the middle of nowhere.
And the little jug of whiskey I kept in my shoulder back pack, was finished. Not even enough to keep my whistle wet, god dam, man, nothing to drink, till the next train comes.
Who the hell knows, who the hell knows, when that will be? That's a hog 'wash mystery?
But, wait what's I thought I heard something, Big Rex, said thinking to himself, as he quickly grew cautious, and pulled his pistol out and held it out, as he looked all around, a couple times, trying to find out where the sound was coming from.
[ 11 ]
Sounds of something got to me, sounds of something running in the shadows of the dark!
Got, Tits ready, case, now that do be strange noise comes my way, I'll blow it away! I thought. I heard something in the shadows. I looked and looked,
and didn't see even the nothing stuffen, of anything living or dead.
The night was quiet, sounds usual, night birds, bats flapping their wings eating insects, on the wing, prairie foxes running in the bush, crickets chirping like they should, and howls of the wolves up aways in the distance, yep. Everything normal like it should. Yet something inside of me said watch out Big Rex.
But, if something was out there, that shouldn't be. What ever it was, that, fuddy duddy sucker, was going to be a dead fuddy duddy sucker!
If I laid my eyes on him. I quietly pulled out my shotgun, Tits. Looked to the left, looked to the right, in the night, there was a deaf sight,
a big black cowboy in the night, looking down at me!
" Howdy stranger in the night, I am a friend,
saw you laying there. Thought maybe you hurt o need help, o something. Are you all right,"
[ 12 ]
[ shotgun at the ready listening what he said, . ]
Am I all right, asked this black sneaky dog, who snook up on me in the middle, of the middle of the night, talking all sweet like!
I swirled big Tits, my shotgun, around and aimed for his head. I could not see him clearly, cause it was dark and he was black! And he was different. Different!
He didn't have any brown or chocolate in him, he was pitch black as can be, like my black cat hiding in the back of my neck, thought Big Rex, to himself. Big Rex, anxiously, felt a little fear about this here dude. It, to him was a natural response to have, in the dead of night. Why should he trust him, BR asked himself? But, BR, little did he know that this scene, he was living in, with this black shadowed intruder, suddenly coming on the scene, was not about one petty thug, sneaking up on another petty thug to rob him. No, it was much more that that. Much deeper, much creepier; it was destiny knocking. The man's look, was to appear real, and a game was being played designed to be indistinguishable from reality. The black stranger was like a mask man, camouflaged in a-body that couldn't be real,
to keep his real identity secret.
And what was occurring was that Big Rex, was in a digital dream interface manipulation, outside of the concepts of rules of existence, that he really couldn't possibly know of.
Or could he, could he too, have been hiding secrets about himself, and that's why,
he was choosing to live the life of little seen,
low life vagrant cowhand, roaming the outlaw badlands of the under belly parts of the west,
with it's drugs trafficking gangs and bad hombres, who get up every day to live, drink,
and be merry, and committing murder all the time, as a way of life.
Was that his way of life for real, or was he just playing, playing the role of drunken derelict, crazy man, sleeping on trains hiding from something? He was boozed up, and fallen down far from town, and someone comes across him, laying on the ground, whether that persons, intentions whether good or bad are unknown, as Big Rex, fearing the worse, as he sees the man in the dark out in he prairie, reacts :
[ 13 ]
Boy, you know, you just about startled me, a little. Do you, do you know that boy? I said to him aiming my gun steady, at his heady, at the ready! Right the wrong, or right the right, I thought to myself, one wrong move, and this piss'ah ain't gone last long tonight!
Now, just what you doing going sneaking around in them there bushes boy, I asked him.
Huh? Er, waiting to ponce on me, and rob me, er, I asked him angrily? You know?
Cause I was pretty sure thats what he was going do. Anyway, my finger hugging the trigger of Tits, poised to blow this man,
to kingdom come. And I would of, but he spoke again, real easy like.
Rob you? Oh, no! Cowboy, no, not me, me your friend. Like you might see someone, on the ground, " Brother in the night," laying alone, perhaps hurt?
He said in broken English accent that was difficult to place, couldn't tell where he was from,
but where ever he was from, wasn't from this world. This man if hurt, maybe needs help? That, what I thought in my head, he said.
[ The man was gesturing with his hands wildly,
like he really didn't want me to shoot him, and his words sounded sincere enough, still? ]
I'll decide if he's telling the truth, later, I thought to my self. In the mean time I began to talk with the man a little bit. Now, chicken out the dude, close. I done noticed he ain't got no eyeballs! Holy shit , I said to myself! No eyeballs!
So that was what was bugging me, I mean dam , that was a problem for me understanding, but, if I could put that out of my mind, despot of that he sounded like a regular dude, a nice person. Still, . . .
Well, partner, I said, slowly lowering my Tits, down from pointing it to his head.
If what you are saying, is true, than that's mighty neighborly of you. You trying to say, you want to help me and all. I is mighty hungry and not feeling too good!
I thought, I would be the only hobo traveler dude out here in the this here patch.
But looks like there, will be two of us hobos travelers, waiting for the next train to hitch a ride and catch. My name is Big Rex, that's what they call me.
You gotta a name?
[ 14 ]
Si, señor, they call me Mondongo. But I think you got this all wrong, me no hobo. I live here. You need any help? He asked me again.
I lowered my shotgun down, and spied on him with squinted eyes! Taking my time and pausing.
I didn't know to believe him or not, or to blow the pissa's head off!
That's, when I noticed this, he didn't have any eyes, just holes in his head, where eyeballs should be.
Everybody got eyeballs in dey head, but not this cowboy, not this sidewinder, not this cowboy!
Dammit, I thought, something is up? He was the blackest cowboy, I ever did see.
He was so black that when he smiled I noticed his teeth where black too. That was the last straw!
Seeing that, set me back, I wanted to see all his black crooked teeth again, so to trick him into opening his mouth.
I made up something dumb to say.
So I said to him, you look kind of healthy, healthy boys, got long tongues to lick a woman, you got a long tongue boy, I asked him?
"SURE," look he said, and the man stuck out his tongue to show me, and it was about four feet long, and it was black too! That's when, I thought to my self, somethings wrong with this here boy.
Then I looked him over once or twice, and saw the boy had a lot of things wrong with him.
He seemed friendly enough though, harmless. And I was so, so dam hungry, I just couldn't help asking :
So, you got any grub, any good stuff to eat boy? I am sure mighty hungry, and would appreciate it, I asked him?
If you stop calling me boy, sure. White gringo, you sure in hell not. Remember I ain't your boy, boy! Otherwise I don't got no food.
[ 15 ]
Well, sir, I knew where he was coming from. So I didn't call him boy, no mo! I told him how I was trying to hunt me up something to eat, but didn't catch nothing.
I told him how hungry I was. We talked a bit, and as we walked he said he was taking me to his camp. Which he said was just ahead. As we walked, I heard the tinkle of coins, in his pockets.
Maybe I'll take Tits out, and relieve him of them, perhaps he's got gold on him, I thought to my self. I might come up with something worth while, anyways there's time, I said to my self, and thought
First lets eat, drink and be merry. For the winds that blow the tumble weeds are blowing now,
tomorrow, who knows what they will blow in?
Besides, I just, might get some information from this cowboy, I thought to my self. What did you say, your name is again?
Me, Mondongo.
Year, right, anyway, I thought to my self, Just my luck, here it is, two Hobos out in the dark of night. And after while we reached his camp, It was fenced in all around with a tall black iron gate, and as we approached it, he kept walking, and I followed along,
but stopped cold when I saw him walk through the iron bars of the gate like it just wasn't there.
He kept walking, and I, was freaking out, I was shocked and yelled to him, . . . Hey, how you do that?
He turned non nonchalantly, like it nothing out of ordinary, and turn around, pulled out some keys and open the door of the gate and held it open, gesturing to me to walk on in.
I did. But now I knew I was in big trouble. Things were not, thing were not, not what it seemed.
I got scared but didn't want him to know, for heaven sakes!
And in the yard there were some old wooden chairs and benches; he invites me to sit down,
he doesn't invite me in, I thought that not very neighborly, but then, maybe he got his lady in there and maybe she's private or something?
Anyhow's, he goes in to this big tent, one of those pointy tents pointing up to the sky, called an Indian tent, or what's it called a Tepee, and sets up a table outside the tent, with some black plates and black napkins which I thought was strange. It was like a funeral, but being very hungry, I couldn't give a dam.
And so he brought out, some benches all painted black, and waved his hand,
for me to come over and sit close to him, and that's when I started to check stuff out good,
and noticed that even the house, the tent he lives in was black.
And he was rambling about this and that, and he brings out this nice dinner, of turkey, and all the trimmings, candy yams and all.
Only thing, was all the food was black.
And that's when I noticed him, taking two pieces of black whole wheat bread, and picking up a black kitchen knife, and spreading some black butter on it.
Then he sat down across from me, and we started eating, and I asked,
[ 16 ]
Got milk? Got milk? Got any milk?
And, he looked at me hard, then suddenly smiled broadly with his big smile full of big black teeth, and said enthusiastically. Sure!
So, he went in back inside the black teepee house, and brought along a jug of milk, and glasses, and placed a glass on the table in front of me, and poured some out, into a glass. That's when I noticed the milk, was black. I tried to smile and say thanks, but it as hard!
And I didn't wasn't to look at him, cause he did have no eyeballs, and that was hard for me to deal with.
So he served me a black plate of nice black hot rice.
That's, when I noticed the fork and the silverware, was black. The black silverware was shinny, and I was mighty hungry, and I was ready to forget all that, all the anomalies,
and just chow down and get down with the getting down, and just start eating, but since the food and everything was dark and all,
I asked him, could he turn on the light. So I could see what the hell I was eating!
May be ants are crawling on my food! I don't know! I thought it was reasonable thing to ask!
Saying to him friend,
" Thanks for the nice dinner, it do smell mighty nice, but do you mine turning on the light? "
Mondongo stopped chewing on his food, and turned and looked at me without eyes in his black head, and said,
Me don't got no light. Me always eats by the natural organic light of the moon.
Year, I said to him, but the moon is not out tonight, I can't eat, every THING is so dark?
Man, you got to be crazy, the moon is out, don't you see it, don't, you see up there, he asked me, pointing straight up over our heads.
I looked up into the heavens, all I could see was the blackness of the sky, and that's when hits me I must be nuts, cause the moon is out but was visible but just barely.
It was dim, and getting dimmer by the minute.
I had to get my shit together,
I started eating as fast as I could, I was woofing down the food, crabbing it with my hands stuffing it in my mouth real fast, so fast I was hardly chewing, cause, hell year, I wanted my stomach full, but, shit, year, you bet, I wanted to get the hell out there.
If I stayed, I could just imagine bad things were gone happen to me.
So with my belly full I got up and headed for the door, and waved to him, and said thanks for the grub, and if my belly wasn't so full I swear, I would of ran away!
[ 17 ]
So kept walking as fast as I could, and when far enough away I saw a log, I sat down there,
thinking, what the mother [ #F"M Bleep, BLEEPING BLEEP, bleep, bleeping, bleeping ] shit is going on here ?
[ mondongo appeared out of nowhere behind me and was laughing and said ]
Time is now. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, . . . you don't know what your destiny is?
You don't know, because you are not supposed to until the day of your destiny,
HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, ha, ha, . . .
He said laughing, shaking his head sideways like his neck was made out of rubber blubber! Me, hell, shit, I got up and started to run boy. I twisted around and I shot the sucker,
BAM, BAM BAM! I shot at him a couple of times, but he just kept laughing! Boy seemed to like bullets!
This cowboy was a ghost or a spirit or my drunken imagination getting the better of me!
I was nuts. I was insane. Got so scared, felt like I was gonna piss in my pants like rain! I was scared out of my wits, I didn't have any more brain!
It had to stop. It had to, It had to. I kept going and didn't look back, said Big Rex to himself!
And he didn't look back, he ran, just like scared rabbit being chased by a wolf!
He was out of his league, he come in contact with a demon,
a imaginary monster coming out of his mind. But, what if it weren't imaginary, what if it were real?
What? Why? Was there a lesson, he could ascertain by this encounter?
The environmental content of the parameters of the encounter was a construct mentally in black and white!
Raw, like the facts of life. But what life, life, defined by who or what?
Defined by when, even though the basics like time, and light, were self evident and reduced time,
time, may have appeared to stop, but it didn't, it was there forming the framework of this uncharted
experience by not by chance? But wait, when one, is dealing with destiny,
there is fate and no chance, that is the Fractal law.
But in the outer dimensions of reality, restrictions are not allowed to exists, and all things are possible!
Big Rex, was scared with good reason. The encounter Big Rex, just had lived through, was full of anomalies,
and while the intruders appearance was suppose reveal something to him.
What ever it was Big Rex, for the life of him couldn't see it.
It was though he was blind, like the Cowboy named Mondongo, no eyes, and can't see it,
but, even though Mondongo, had no eyes at all, he didn't let that stop him,
didn't let that stop him from living his life,
Could that, could that be the hidden lesson? The sight of man with holes in his head, where his eyes should be? Would not having eyes stop you? Don't let anything,
any obstacle, stop you in life from achieving your goals, your destiny?
And how do you do that when you don't know what your destiny will be?
Big Rex, kept running, kept running, but then, dealing with things outside of this Cowboy comprehension, deep denial gone wild,
the mind, can play tricks on you, can't it?
Can make you see things, hear things, and when the truth is something you can't handle you crack, snap and don't want to look back.
Big Rex, is not so big now is he? He runs dizzy, along close to the ground, tiny and small, like a naked maggot, thinking he's tall when he's not! Look at him, like little boy, like little boy running ragged, home to his mommy.
But in his case, his mommy is the next train car he gets in to. It's his haven; there always trains cars traveling to and fro,
carrying goods all across the country. There always a place that's not where he is, not where he is. A secret dimensional crib, native only to him, like a manifest destiny, setting him apart like a lark!
Wo, foe, come'ith from within, secrets every man has it's sin! Sally, Sally, can you hear her? Can you hear him? A fond ghost memory that talks back to his head, like bread, telling the madman points in time, awkward things, dangerous thoughts running in his head full of crimes, full of crimes, he wants to keep to himself, but can't? We're out of time!
And for some reason that's an attraction, the dark forces are attracted to him. Some people like where they are. Not everybody. But some do! Where they are maturity wise.
He is not one of them, roaming, searching, that's why he calls himself the wandering cowboy. There is a little wandering cowboy in all of us!
Its like a compulsive disorder, an urge, a compulsion, to flee and he does, not because he wants to.
Oh, no! But because he must. It is hard wire in him to run. He's a runner!
What did the black shadowy stranger tell him, destiny? That's where he is running to, whether he knows it or not.
Then, then something, something, very hard to explain happened!
[ 18 ]
The Earth shook!
And the ground turned upside down, and rose up off the Earth, left the original Earth, and hung in the air, above the original Earth, stood there rotating around slowly in circles.
The other Earth upside down, shattered parts of which disengaged, raged, switched, pitched, molecularly icka'switched, rigamortized, and tumbled, tumbled around and around in violence, but adhering still to the forces of Mother Nature gone mad and gravitised!
What happened simply, the finality of it all, due to bombastic intermolecular disengagements, lamentably causing structurality atomic schisms, caused intensely loud sounds of nightmarish booming thunder, augmenting them to super deafening levels!
As the racy crunching of impossibly huge rocks, came slamming down into Earth number one!
They did so, with the extreme arrogance and prejudice at uncontrolled speeds!
They pummeled, crashing, smashing, and ricocheting back up upside downside, smashing ferociously together, heavily, as the Earths duplicated, erupting in hot balls of steam, than melted boulders in lava like streams, that rushed into the sea spraying up in to the air, bright spider webs structures everywhere, like thick sizzling reddish yellow Fractal webs, connecting the two new, bi planetoids, together haphazardly in its awful moments of death!
From this whole beginning, of these evil events bifurcation of both man, beast and the oceans, seas juxtaposed.
And flipped and re-assembled back, forming giant strange ultra fractalized slivers, of new topography.
Things of, lets say you got hit in the head this day, when a rock the mighty size of Eiffel tower, came your way! But didn't crush you, it would take a big miracle to survive, well somehow, the epicenter of some sort of stability gravity zone existed, around us, through out this madness!
Allowing the cavern structures where I was, and he was, to stay in place safely, and not only our mental psycho-pretexturalies introspective, in both our personages were saved, but our physical bodies too, in us two!
Thank the Gods of luck, other wise we would not have co-survived this cud nightmarishness.
Now at the hour time and place, this was all going on, I was unaware that the stranger and I would have co survived this melange catastrophe.
It happened so quickly, there was no time, to have time to think, much less react, just hold on, and pray!
The conversation between the smashing mountain rocks, and red hot awakened Earth components, transferred avoiding nothing over roads of the real, buffered into the in mouth of the hot surreal, leaning to the points, of the totality finality of death!
Mock not, this day of the rock splits, onto the two islands separated, goes into shock, chases her mind thine, crazily into the woods of good, bad, and brutally mainland halved, earths, for necessarily supplying life puzzles, the impossible, un muzzled, two earths, screamed their birth inaugurations, sensations of creations, majesties rescue a shipwrecked posits, worthless deposits, for the few fleas peoples, parched all that was, beached and made it to the compound, named life, new, due to powers, hours, hath'it'sat, say it, shall, and so be'ith educated edict, let no man put complaints, asunder this wonder, but go ye forth, enjoy the aftermath and give thanks, for the afterwards peace!
[ 19 ]
The termination of life, who knows, never say never, first class desire of nature, is self similar survival supremacy!
Basically vexed, in five times the pressurized complexities, rushed to and forth, like a broth, but finally the great wobbling of the humongous chunks of both Earths stabilized, up in the atmosphere, hanging in the air, like sizzling scrambled eggs! Settling finally back, in close approximations from each other separated, by only two or three miles perhaps if that!
The predominant cosmological systems rapidly absorbed the change, as if it did not take place in Fractal space. The celestial components stood there looking on at us, the sins and the sun too, was still up in the sky on the corresponding ordained orbital trajectories, along with the moon, stars and inner outer Universities, in all their magnificent glories, and need I dear say, so thank the force, were we!
Its giant rocks, bigger and smaller, hailed down impacts, like thunder, in that fateful moment, that fateful day, that fateful minute, and day turned into night, and night turned back in to day, a new day came as it rained!
Stones so big, the size of buses, and trees with disease, the size of planes, and all manner of sandiness grit, and looseness bits, prone debris, sailed down heavily, suddenly with the mighty roaring sounds, straight out of hell!
Loud enough to wake up the devil!
They fell back to the original Earth1, waking up the dead out of graves!
Everything falls down, and the man ran and I both sprinted to take cover, in any gutter, into the safety of the cracks and caverns! He went one way, and I another, and I don't know about him. But, I closed my eyes really, but really tight, and I prayed like a baby!
We did hide, for quite a long, long while, under and in crevices in the mountains! As stones and rocky chunks, the size of buildings, came thundering down around us, bouncing, crashing, buckling up, spats of electricity cut mountains easily in half, like soft yellow cheese! And down, flashed dancing rocks, rotating a thousand times a second, came booming down, with the roaring sounds, and speeds of draconian unleashed, wild buckets of millions of mad as hell rocks, splitting, screaming, splintering like wild dangerous sharp cutting glass, ready to crush, slice and dice us!
The rocks hot, dazzled and gleaming with core stones, from the Earth's center, like blue white cut diamonds, being exposed, sprinkled the Earth like little sparkling eyes! The hot steams pouring out of them, like in a hot kettle in a pot, and lord knows hot water sprang up, hot enough to boil your eyes out, hot enough to rip your skin clean off your face! Oh, what a disgrace, can't live life in this place!
Finally rocks after a long while, the stones and debris stopped falling, little by little, and the tumultuous roaring sounds of earth crunching together, seized! And things, started to stabilize, and low and behold the earth on top that was floating above us in the air, was blocking out the sun, and suddenly, in the shadows the impossible happened. It got cooler, yes! Yes, yes! The temperatures were dropping fast! It was impossible, but I felt it! It was coolness, but it was true! I felt it, it was coolness, coolness! Still it was a little warm, but not as brutally hot, as it was before!
Things slowly were settling down, as the huge mountains of dust settled back forming what looked like, intense clouds of fined grained saw dust! The colors, wow! Oh Wow! It was a magnificent sight.
It was so beautiful, to see the translucence's of the sun light's beams streaking through the big clouds, like flashlight beams shining brightly through the clouds of dust, with such a huge range of colors too, such a being like me, could appreciate, such a scene such as this! I saw the dainty sunset like light brite pinks meshed with inter orange lush tonalities! It was composed of every kind of yellow and whole variety of mellow colors! It was like awe inspiring! It was life changing! I never dreamed such a thing could have happened, yet here it was, I could see it! It was unbelievable! I was witnessing the birth of another Earth, one up and one down below, that's the one, I was standing on! Two of them, and in fact, now that I think of it, that's exactly what it was, Earth Mother Fractal two!
Still, beautiful, or not, thought alien observer to himself, all the dust, it got in my eyes, my hair, my ears, my machinery's circuitry and every where! But I was alive, still working, undamaged!
This was possible, thanks to technology, for I luckily, was constructed as a Digtaslsometbetrodic being, after all! My cameras caught it all!
After a spell, I witnessed, something strange, the other guy, the human, yep, he did it too! He was alive, and, not only did he survive, don't know how? Humans are so fragile! Yet there he was! I saw him dusting off the dust from his arms. And taking off his hat, and long jacket, shaking the dust and sand out of his long hair! And low and behold, when I zoomed in, he started to smile! He was smiling!
He had a big ass grin on him!
Can't for the life of me know why?
Now the man walked to the spot where his coat was before, an immediately began digging, and digging. After about an hour, he got it. And with his bare hands dug it up and out of the rubble! It came up and out, his beloved old wind breaker, and he pulled on it hard to get it free! And it took a while to get it out, out of the debris, then you know what? He put his coat, the wind-breaker coat, he put it, he put it on, and smiled, grinning. He raised his rifle up, up high, and aimed straight up, at the face of this Mother of Earths number two, and shot the mother full of holes ten times, yelling loudly as he fired at it away :
"You sons of bitches, I am free!"
[ 20 ]
Then the original Earth, was on the bottom. And the fractal copy of the Earth, was on the top.
And hung in the air, steady there, then magically between the two Earths, came a big flash of lightening! Out of the light came the pow, snap and crackled of strange electrical sounds, like something fizzing and cracking!
Theres was no need, for graveside eulogy, for the passing of the Earth old, to the new Earth number 2 of two, new, like a half baked, homozygote, it was true!
Then came the stiff breeze and hence a high windchill of new consequences, times and places and adjustments to the new age of the new Two Earths!
I, listening, my ears taught sensitive, thus heard : heard a voice out of the wilderness, are, are, are thee ready, something quite different?
Sustainability's newer realities, birthed, as it relates to natural ecosystems complexed to the particularities, when distinguishing societal sustainability, from ecosystem sustainability?
Could we be it, and it be we?
An unsustainable ecosystem will collapse, causing a large extinction event, tis true, but miraculously, this time it was not to be!
A near-death experience yes, but, stressed near, for we lived! These phenomena after a time is nothing more than the topic of lure, but to be here, alive, alive, inside the fractalized happening, spaced, me out big time!
The clockwork universe theory, compares the universe to a mechanical clock wound up by a supreme being, what ever he she it my mind in madness did this hour, day, minute, second, was shocking, yes, but to survive it ,was more than fine with me!
Suggested arguments, against why this could happen, or happen not, I dismissed it, because I live in the now, and so, dutifully, I testify by my being alive in the now, and as survivor as witness!
Natures, perhaps I say this facetiously but, nature speak'ith not in words, but in mightiness of actions and today she has'spoken a signal, that artfully selects the survival of the fittest, as she and she alone sussed out right of way, for who should go and who should stay alive, there was something fishy going on live true, but only her shadow knows and he is not saying!
Structure of channels breaching barriers to our minds eye, she only can and do defy and so said, eyeballed from the point of view of our awakened awareness trolls or the fresh! Or meager we and I, don't know why, this thing that happening now is not ordinary weight of a soldier's mind panoply as the out of the nothingness, of the airs chemistry a pleasant-smelling, colorless, volatile ether that was the catalyst, then there it was , something looking like a giant ball of lighted electrical beams, snaps and crackles shattered the feeble airs reality!
And it appeared there, and I heard a strange, other world like fractal speak. It said, " Lets not tarry here, but go forth!"
And this thing, the ball shaped turn thing, was a Telepathic Iconography machine, which was, submerged in white fog, like the type of stratus foggy clouds, found only high in the sky, billowing gases, shaped like an amorphous robotic head, vibrating there, inside of it, fully lit!
Sparks flying in out every which way, splatting throughout the air with a spray of sparks and electricity! The sounds this thing made, combined with intense forces inside, the core of the Earths rumbling, angrily was totally deafening!
This ball which was a Transmigration Zhoto'digprojection machine, which was belching forth, a set of elaborate arrays of ceremonial beams, of great brilliance!
[ 21 ]
Blurry images, at first, very hard to see, but with each passing second, the feeble fragments came to fit together, like a crossword puzzle, and a bulb lit up in my head, warning me to be very skeptical and very weary of what might happen soon! I began to hear voices.
Voices that sounded like a crazy man, talking to me, from a thousand miles way, at the same time, I could hear the environmental sounds, of the ecosystems! Sounds of birds, sounds of winds blowing, sounds of scratching things, scraping up the sands looking for insects to eat. I could hear, the trees breathing, throughout the leaves, sucking up the nutriments from the air, and the sunlight there!
I heard the noises of draggle crackle sounds of some black vultures, circling high up in the sky, close to the sun. I could her waters, seas, near and far, gurgling under in the deep streams every where! The atmosphere was alive with life! Inside the minds of all kinds, birthed deadly Strife! I could hear insects, shifting around under the rocks near by! And I could feel the motions of the earth, I stood on, heaving to and fro, moving below my feet! OMG, I could feel Fractal Gods! The Fractal Gods were at odds, large barging to this marginless zones, toned in surrealistic gravity, putting in place, a stasis of new realities! Oh hell must'ith have'ith me, these things, these impossible things, I today see?
It was unreal! It was unnatural! I lost my breath, it was just too, too much! Too, much for me! And slowly, very slowly, the fractalized portal transmissions, stabilized. I got new, clearer glimpses of the figure. And this world, forming in front of my unbelieving eyes wide! This new mansion, volatile making in the shadows of new times expansions. And this stranger? Was he, the same man, as before, or a self similar entity, that resembled him, but was not him just similar? Or was self similar to his old set of selves?
I, now seem to be hovering in the air, over his head, looking down at him, I sensed his mind opening, It thoughts to me, I watched his lighted brain flash pictures of his past, his past, his passed memories, but, it was memories, that were gory, shady and deep!
I heard voices too! Saying a spell inhale, hell into the fractal wells well, you go you see in to the fractal, you go with me, by and by something sighed inside of me, some alive inside of me. I felt it but what can it be? Fractal, fractal you be?
And then I saw it. The lights, big and bright lights, blinding me! I saw a vision, visions of his past, and asked merry not these visions be? What visions do we see ? Merry visions, came the answer from the beyond unvirginisities, boundlessisities painted, tauter red and ready all for all hell! Go rouged, merry go round hidings, wheels of Fractal memories abound, his memories, his, chemistries, like frozen branches, fractalized branches in the ranges of timers of stasis, altered and, placed with opened gases, trashes of star dusts in inner spaces!
Which I breathed in deeply, lace of special chemicals of the misty waters, special water with the secret powers of life and death?
I heard a voice ask.
Asked me again?
I trembling, shaking wishing I was dead, fear in my mind, fear in my head, as I communicated with id!
Did not dare, refuse my fate, in the hand of Fractal time! Yime hoyahaaa sunn tick, mick, hoyahaaa sunn tick? Maggssithena, it and suddenly a young woman appeared and said: who whosdsiyt ahten it swille in debae, no not I? Around as I look bad, it too, looked at me, sadly I grew, then things went a backwards anew, and I closed my eyes, going back to where ?
And when I opened my heart, trusting in the force in the dark, and drank. Then the voices, trailed off into silence, and were gone, and slowly were replaced with a strange bands of waves music, filling the void, with loud scary desitacodic chromatic tonalities of desperate dooms plumbs! Hungry late I ate one, enjoying it, it sounded so good! The Fractal music belching forth, from a spectra-body to mind sequencer application, using scores from an irrational iterationalfabulation resuscitations, of Fractalized musicality, in the realms of spiritual formulas of the Ducks! The Ducks were yelling at me, I was stunned to, to hear them here, so clearly, so distinctly! What the Fractals were speaking? They were not leaking! What theory, had they, today to say, was terrifying! Suddenly I heard the sounding of big bass drums, combeating hard, as lard, as if they were located deep inside Mother Earths in the cellar of the bad fella!
[ 22 ]
Big Rex, has just witnessed the unbelievable splitting of the planet Earth, into two floating separate parts, if you can imagine it, they look like the shape of a big great fruit, cut in two, halves, maybe, perhaps with three or four miles of separation between the two!
The cause of this phenomenon, has been so far unknown, but has other worldly ramifications, in the forces of nature, and out side of it, and beyond, and the Universe it self. But, for now, the two halves, after tumultuous re-arrangements, shifting violently the continents, oceans and seas, now settle back, after both worlds, the upper Earth, and the lower Earth, were consumed in fires and destruction.
A totally unprecedented phenomenon is now occurring, slowly manifesting dualities double gangers everywhere! The few survivors, now face further challenges as they come to grips with having to confront, the opposites personalities of themselves, an evil fractal duplicate, self similar, but is a diabolical evil being, troubled personalities unleashed! That looks just like them physically! An army approaches and the army is you! Mentally your mind is gone!s
This is just an appetizer, compared to what is to come! In the midst of all this terror looming everywhere, is beauty! We see the thick smoggy, floating pale blueish gaseous clouds, floating upwards and twisting in the strange new currents of winds, streaming between the worlds like white on white cobwebs. These wispy strands, and bands like clouds, are a fantastic thing to witness.
They float high above in gloriously shimmering orange and white colored stratified cloud layers. All, shifting slowly between the upper and lower earths bearing witness to the new births. While down below, deep down below, glows in the twisted wreckage's of burnt blacken and melted together buildings, we see mystery. We see the cooling of the lava, slowly moving, brite reddish, lumps. Churning and bubbling, spattering high as if they had the hick ups.
These meandering lava flows of death, running where streets use to be. Where cities use to be! Where humanity use to be! The lava rivers are there, still belching out straight up, vertically like chimneys, white gaseous steams, we hear a voice. I have eyes, that sure enough , that just about have seen it all, at least that is what I thought, but, I never, never! Never in my life, in my wildest dreams could I imagine this madness, real, hot and smelly as it was!
The scale and breathe of the devastation was outside of words, there was none! Repulsive sights, could make you vomit! Could not be ignored. In life you know what you see is what you get! Over there the head of horse, over there a leg of man, sticking out of the mud. Hair without a head, eyes of the dead, under my foot is a tongue. Next to that, an old bell, that once wrung. Pages in the floating stinking black waters from a hymnbook that children, once happily sung. Their humming days are dead.
Dead were buddies, friends and chums, then I saw it.
A big old fashion antic Harley Davidson, from decades back, parked like that, like everything was as it was supposed to be in the cobwebs of his mind, in his memory in past time!
It was a little dusty, but other than that, but how could this be? The other one speaks his mind observing in kind all things, and said :
I looked else where, I was already shell shocked, to mocked shocked, by so many strange sights, to care about anybody, anything, live or dead, anymore!
Only my mission!
My heart heavy, I don't really have one, but my algorithm says I do!
My despondence grew, observing all that I knew, this I knew, it was wrong, to do what I was doing showing, showing, empathy!
[ 23 ]
I remember when I looked and remembered a time, when in this planet there was peace. I remember when there was order.
I have seen the coming of death.
I have seen the coming of evil.
Somehow, now people too, have divided into two, too!
A duality of the one split in two, manifesting into two separate beings. A good side and bad side, war is on the horizon and there's someone bad, very, very bad, someone is on his way, on this new brave horrendously dangerous planet. There is an evil me! Is that plausibility? What will happen? Which one of us fractals entities will survive? The questions that I have multiply, and the possibilities too, divide. They, like this day, are all very, very scary. Just too much for a domain, to restrain! To, Too, unthinkable!
Fractals life surrealialities are unthinkable unless you have math for blood like me.
For now as I look at my new surroundings for guidance to help me comprehend my fate and how it will end.
I hear in the winds something I no nothing of, a voice whispering crazy sounds saying : "Wohim wohimmemanha caoducks, the Ducks are , himahomiedacocto bucket, the Ducks, thid moo rhumba si, the Dusk are monof comba ha hitasata". I turn on my translator!
The Ducks are coming!
Oh my god, "The Ducks are coming!"
I thought I was comfortably, situated, but the wavelet convolution, I am on, apparently has experienced a glitch in its frequency!
I, I, I should not be, be affected, but, somehow I too am, am conflicted, me a Digtaslsometbetrodic being, my feelings, I should have none! I have my empathy button turned on, when it should be set to off!
This should not be, not me, personally affected, but what's happening, as a witness cerebralspastically fluctuating being, but as it seems, as the Fracto psychoacoustic, or what is called, branches of psychology concerned with the perception of sound and its physiological effects, complexities now have begun. It seems it's affected him, and affected one? It seems damages are not limited, but unbelievably extend to, investigatory distance observers too, like me? And me?
The bifurcation of the mentality of the protagonist personalities have mixed?
I shutter, double shutter to think, if that is true, the unworldly influences that broke amidst the mayhem, and that permeated, have such enormous power, it's visual, physicality's and its collections of powerful atom transdenominational, electronidoshozsetrodic, interrmolectuals affects all, including the outpost of any program, live or other wise, that is enabled to think? And that means, included, dare say I, me?
Should I discontinue? Should I press reset?
[ 24 ]
Me, my essence, my senses, my mind shook by it all, felt like I, and despite my credentials and years of experience working in techo-celebraltransmigrational voyeurisms, my mission stands, my interests in this trip, has blown out my frequencies! And now, now the wavelets unstable, and my mentality too it seems. I struggled to maintain it, but it felt like, like I was on a pogo stick. In and out of this reality. Reality, this reality? Was it, or wasn't it a malady, I was in this reality? Anyway, fed up, I ? Yes! Yes! But, able gable sable, despite it all, the phenomenon's spill over effect, tougher, for facts to be, be precise, back, said I optimistically, not a drop, of truth, joins my senses, cause every feelings go blurry, in a hurry, so it makes me sorry, but look at the fragments, of his memories, seared, and thoughts, interactively, floored me, and met me, in the air. Puzzled, disappointed, yes, but then, I sense he's his presence near, I sensed it! I sensed it! I sensed it! It was it! The culprit! HIM!
And, I felt the brush on my face, an underweight, if you please breeze, and without prompting of the catalysis actuating the sitting frequency of consequentiality pertinent , without inhibitors, I began to hear his desperate unconnected ramblings. His word, his words, and it sounded ungrounded and it was him, I knew it! It was him. I looked around, there, way, way down a thousand feet away, or more, sitting right up against the hull to this partially buried boat, the size of building, sticking out of mud of the earth. It was him, sitting in it shadow. It was him all right! Wearing his ghost coat, near the boat, his ghost cowboy hat, glued to his head, the man rat cat, all blacked he called," Wrinkles," hiding in his bushy hair!
And in his hand, he held his riffle, too! He was, he looked the same, but was he? Double in trouble, or was it I? An algorithm can't die?
My, self, I categorically stood firm, my mission targeting of him! I snook up closer. Well, despite the fact, after all that had happened to him, he still discounted it all, smiling after that big mental fall, and he sounded as mad, as he did, before. He said, speaking to himself out, out, out loud of his mind. He said, I going get this shit working, this fire gotta fire, burn, so what's this gonna do?
I didn't understand what he was talking about?
And then, I saw him. He gets up, walks a few steps and drag some tree branches, that are still smoldering, and he configured a sort of campfire, and sat his backside back down and then suddenly began to cry! He cried, and cried! Humans cry! Surprise, to see a big bad man like that cry! Not I! But his heart, his red hot heart, with the fear in it, got, this way, because of this day, this hellish doomsday! What a day, that will burn way, into the fiber of compositions of his memories till he dies and is no more! I can't blame him! I am glad I am not human! Especially a backward human like him!
He seems in the cross hairs of surrealities forth coming ducks! He sounded unfamiliar to me, since I started studying him. The smell of gasoline and other chemicals, wafering, lingering in the, in the air, as he sat there, then I moved, as I only can, in my present state, can I? I can, and did, augmenting my capacity, got closer, got still closer, cause I wanted to be able to record his words, his thoughts, cause I knew, what he did not! So I got closer, still. Then and spied him. He unaware of me there, turn on my invisibility cloak, watched the bloke, as he smoked, him comfortable with his madness, no sign of sadness, began once more, to talk and mumble absurdities.
[ 25 ]
I grabs her up, I grabs her up, he mumbled, with a crazy look on his face, and I, immediately, turned on my detection linguistic profiling application state, and I heard him talk, in his distinct, quaint rough cowboy style, with that southern drawl accented speech, long gone.
I grabs it up, these loose woods, he said, I built my self this here campfire, why? Why not? And, I takes my frying pan out, and reaches in to my saddle bag. And from the gold I stole, I pulls out just one gold bar, just one, and plunks it down, in to this here hot pot that I got! I watched it get hot, boil and melt! He said rocking his head, backwards and forewords, like a bad crazy kid on drugs, but he wasn't of drugs, his mind was, he was hallucinating, and enjoyed laughing to lesson the tension, he laughed and laugh : Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Reminds me, it do! Reminds me, of what just happen to me.
And my world, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha year, yep! Me? Me don't gotta wait! Wait? I don't have to wait, for there, right there the corner of my eye, he said as he sped on an insect that survived too, crawling out from under a stone alone!
I spots one. I ain't alone! I sees it! And I swoops it up. I don't think anything dead or alive, that goes through what I just went through today, can blame me, if I plays games in an effort, to try not get, more crazy, than I am ready, am I?
[ 26]
I scoops up another, and drops it in the this container, where I keep em, till I am ready! Ha, ha, ha, ha,aha, ha, ha! In his madness he took a liking to his new fiends, roaches and bugs all kinds that seemed to have survived along with us too! He took a stick and scraped them up, one by one, in to this glass jar he had, and close the top back up and shook them, playfully back and forth, back and forth. Looking at these captured odd ball trophies. I hold, em till I am ready, then I wait till the gold in the pot is nice and hot, is thick and creamy like creamy gold soup!
Wo, dam Sam, all the shit I did to get this crap, all this gold!
And it ain't worth a goddamn thing now! Gold shit! Gold my ass! Gold shit, that's all it is!
I had bars and bars of gold I stole! Blood on it! Bars, bars of shit. That's what it is now!
The F'in world is dead, and the value is shit! Just like me! Ain't worth nothing. What do I do ? Well, I guess I could make bullets out of it just for fun?
Gold bullets? Year, I could shoot myself in the brain. Kill myself with a gold bullet!
Year, go out in style! Ha, ha, ha, ha, wait, wait! Well, I can't eat it. What can I do? Shit with it! Can't do nothing, but look at it. I can have some fun with it. Who can say I can't? Every body is dead!My gold, my god, my lord, my gold, don't have no more value now, that life as I knew, shit! Gone sucker! Gone mother F'** er gone.
[ 27 ]
He yelled out at they top of his lungs, ain't no more! It, ain't no more! It, ain't no more!
Funny thing is I was poor, in the eyes of everybody! But, me! What they didn't know, I had my stash, my hidden gold bars, at last!
This new truth," Life as I knows it, ain't no more! No more, nooooooo moreeeee! " he said, shaking his head, shaking his head like man wanting desperately to know why he is not dead too! Everybody else is!
My head is no goddam good to begin with! How long will I last all by myself! Ain't that a kick in the ass! How long will I last?
Big rex had this crazy soul searching conversation with himself, and little by little, he gather back his wits. He breathed deeply, cried a little more, breathed, looked around and then back down in to the pot! The pot that time forgot, its there he put his buggers!
Few insects he found on the ground! His friends! He put his friends in the pot and fry' em up! And he whispered, so what, so, so wha , so what, what possibly use could there be for gold, be for me, now? Only thing left to do with it? What?
Questions and of course no answers, no alternatives, for this survivor, and he did what any loser in this predicament would.
Stay tuned for Chapter 2, coming up next! What would you do?
[ 28 ]
Chapter 2
What this man, did with his sprit broken and depressed, was wish for his own demise! But, said the mechanical spy, observing invisibly hiding by!
I was a Digtaslsometbetrodic being, after all!
Who would of thunk it? Surely not you, surely not I. I scowled, abruptly, and didn’t think it would be hard to think, data acquisition, could cost me my existence, in a blink! Why? A job involuntarily done, for the reign of one, such as an meritorious programed observer as me.
It seemed like fun to think, press, a button, and sink, initiate disruption, the management of the life cycle now happening, sophisticatedly influences abound fractoly unholy, fractoly unholily, allowed, thus, given apprehensive feel, to the air of this planetoid split Earths aware, laid bare.
I a visitor here, to self denies I, this truth, foolish it would beware, inquisitive, investigated, status around abound with flair, as it should be officiated, but by whom these fractalized double gang games to us, that will soon arrive coming, a running? Soon across this marked world, and it's split personalities, eventually, both in all things real, and not, zeal here, let I be said, an ambitious move, out of the mouth of the dead, who if possible would concur before ditched, these un-sufferable destinies read.
Let it be said, said a timer automatic buried in my circuitry matrix machine, to me, warning me! To remember, the training I received, from my tutors benefactors, in all Patterns of Algorithms Geometrousities, and the dynamic rigors of a transmigrational, time traverse traveler, should come to, to a new world to only observe, but not to, let herself, himself, itself, get involved emotionally as an existential exercise. Turn off the emotion switch buttons, enterprise!
Still, for first timers, the success rate is a probability of forty-five percentiles, a shoddy numerical fate, date, but me, with all my certified acumen, to see, and to know what is coming, preside of mentality weakening me? How, how can this be? Neither I, nor the mind in me, can foresee this worlds algorithms affects best, vexed?
Its implications of the scourges of transmigrating are known these are, but nevertheless, to fabulously wind up in the midst of a phenomena, like an Earth planet geometrousity bifurcation, is almost virtually impossible, yet here I am, witnessing it in real time, and observing it passionately as a super event, at the same time, as a responsible recorder and traveler. I am keenly aware, here that I am lucky, but, at the same time, subsidiaries of pedagogical research, will benefit by my recordings of the evolving Earth, terminal reactionary manifestations complexities, and no doubt, will understand, this is indeed, a seed, a pristine opportunity, to see a planet and its inhabitants under extreme duress, not just because of the looming ducks entities, but also, beside the implications, that signifies, but the object of our time travel studies reveal, the Earthlings are in no way a flight risk. No way, no way!
They have no possession of pertinent technology to thwart their future, lurking events that by determinism's fate, are coming.
They have no where else to flee to! Now for me, as an observer, I sense a change in me too, electromagnetic field disruptions grid spins, the replication of the dimension spins, may have affected me?
Certain? I am not. Worried should I be? Less I wind up down the slippery slope like this fool I see? He a rare bird indeed, fine specimen to track, aware on one level, yes, but the underlying issues, he's cracked, and hasn't a clue!
Look at hism, hism, pitiful, sitting catching bugs. Catching bugs, that's what his life he thinks, has come too!
The think in his head, that untrained inherited brain, is so interesting. I watch him now, as he smells, and there he goes laughing in stupors, of a twisted pernicious rhetorical dimensional rants, clothed in his smelly pants!
Talking to himself, he out loud laughs, "Ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha," then utters :
I, I, I wonder what time it do be boy? Shucks, by da look a things, it's getting darker, dark ker, ker, and the sun, my sun, is blocked by the other half, of the Earth hanging upside down, over my head, like a fool, he said to himself. With the look of a crazed man in utter bewilderment of his predicaments. As the prevailing essences of the presence of this new world fractal times, was happening, whipping his fragile mentality, and affecting all his malities.
[ 30 ]
I listened to him rambling. He sat hunched over on a log, next to a small tiny, green, survivor frog, with burnt skin and warts, and with only one eye left, who looked at him bereft too, as if he was big fat fly! The both of them looked nuts! Maybe the frog thought, he was food to be eaten. He had guts, or vise versa?
Nevertheless, they had to be hungry, one could surmise! He sat there, seemingly unaware that he was in the shade of the great big, giant ship stuck in the sand next to him.
He didn't bother his curiosity, to climb up into the big hull of that huge mass, to see, if there was people still alive or money to be had. He assumed every thing on Earth was practically dead! Strange thing right, what a demented fellow will do. What would you do, if demented too?
Still, not he be, satisfied with his plight, thinking he was the lone survivor in the night, and comforted himself, playing with his gold and bugs, singing like as if in an old southern chichi-poo church, some where out there. His voice sounded like a raspy drunk, with a slow gritty feel to it! He sang very slowly :
I stirs em up gently, with this here twig. I stirs em up gently, with this here twig. I stirs em gently, with this here twig, once, twice, thats nice, three times, four. Doesn't need no more, till I count to five, it's bubbling alive. Ha, ha, ha,ha, ha.
Then I flips open real fast this here, my container, with all the little buggers inside, then I took a bugger out. Then the bug looked at me! And I looked at the bugga. Then I spat into the hot frying pan. And I heard a sounds of a flip, zip, and a sizzle, hee, hee, hee, and as the smoke and steam rose. I slide the skinny looking thing, in, and let it fry, ha, ha, ha,ha ha hee, ha, haw,
he hee, haw, away, aha, aha, ha, ah ha, Am I crazy, or what? Wait a second, did, did you see that? Did you see that worm? I love worms. I am not sure, but in another life, in another life, I must ta been a bird! wha, . . What . .
What I got, when I come to think of it, is nothing, nothing!
Nothing at all! I got bags of gold! But don't mean shit! When I think, it',s kind of hard. I, I, don't see my friends. I don't see anything, that'll give me hope. Nothing worth while to stay alive for! Maybe I should put, put a dam bullet in my blasted head, and, and just lay down dead!
[ 31 ]
Everybody, everybody else is dead, the world is dead, save for one or two stupid ass bugs, might as well join them! If I die, as a cowboy should, I dies, then I die as a good cowboy, or don't die at all! I can't, I can't, I don't know, I no, no, I just can't get myself to, to, to do it!
But to do it after all, the shit, that I just went through to survive this! Survive to, I did it to stay alive, now to come to suicide, don't make any Goddam, sense! Something I am kind of short of, ain't good. But no, naw, no way Jose! Better, that I rethink. Rethink that, anyway look, just look out at all this, this destruction. The world is gone in a hell basket. Me, shucks, crying like a stupid child, wild, well, give me the strength, got to, I got, to get it, from some place! Well, what the hell is a sucker like me, gone do? To do? Boo who, no crying I ain't gone do!
I remember when I busted out of lockup, years back. I had to get the hell out, had to! There was , oh, I don't know, several months back, I messed up, got caught, thought I could get away with, robbing the bank, by simply kidnapping the daughter of the president of the bank!
So, I being as slick as can be me, I caught the president's daughter of the bank, and demanded the man, bring money. Lots and lots of money honey, bring it to me nice and cool! Nice and sweet!
And hand it over, red rover, if he wanted to get his daughter back. If he wanted her alive!
Sounded like a good plan! Sounded like a Goddam good plan!
It was on a what? Oh year, a thursday afternoon, high noon, I recall!
I was dressed snappy, wearing my long lucky wind breaker coat happy! Had my favorite boots on too You hoo, I felt good, like a bad man should! Mama lou was in my back pocket. Had my shades, a smoke, and took a drag, as I walked, and had my wind breaker long coat, in it I had Tits, my rifle. Tits, was hidden in the long side of my lucky coat, so no body could tell she was right there!
It always brought me, me luck before, but not that day!
I took her, the man's daughter, she called herself, Miss Sally May! And, I sent a carrier boy, by horse, to advise them, to give the ransom letter to her paw. But what seemed, like a good plan, when it comes to carrying it out, don't.
[ 31 ]
Don't always work out! The pretty bitch rich kid, had a knife. I don't know nothing bout it, till it was too late!
I didn't see it till she stuck it into me. In, in my wrist! Well, sir, I was shocked. stunned, stood there, and, and I could not shoot.
I could not hold my rifle Tits, with my right hand! I could not think, I didn't believe what she had pulled! All I knew was I was bleeding, and some Goddam [ Freaking ] girl, she was gonna pay!
I took out my tits, and aimed at her head with my other good hand, pulled the trigger and smiled and put her down. Well, sir, this here cowboy, had, to, had to leave, leave town. And fast, I wrapped my arm up with strips of her white, of her white dress, I cut it up, to make a tourniquet, and that was it! Fixed my self up, best I could, and I ran, and ran away, stole a horse named moss, and wound up in this here Goddam valley till this day! And I knew I was a wanted cowpoke.
A wanted man, and ain't nothing that gets you creepy and fear up, than seeing a wanted poster up on the wall, with your own dam face on it, under the words in big, big white letters, saying, "Wanted, Dead Or Alive."
Every thing is quiet now, I got away! And ever since then, since they had a bounty on my head, I stayed out here! I went a little crazy, but I stayed! I stayed here, I thought, with time, I could escape.
I and I, I tried several times, but, buddy, each time, the Goddam bounty hunters, be on my raggedy ass, lickity split.
And they came after me, they came after me like nobodies business! The banker had bucks, truck loads! But, luck was on my side still, cause so far as having a good hideout was concerned.
No body knows, no body knows the hidden valley of," Cacata-cactus lands," like me! And thats, and that is why, I hunkered down here on the reservation, or whats left of it anyway! I got a number of ways to stay alive I got fire, fire so when it rains, when it rains in Spain. I can purify it and make crystal clear drinkable water, and I strains it out in my handkerchief! I don't know how to cook, but cook I do, my food, one way or another brother!
I cook snakes, birds, shoot anything alive and eat it, bugs too, when things are really bad! The fire gives up heat, provides me warmth, light and comfort, keeps the Goddam predators away, night and day!
They keep their distance, and if they can't understand they are not welcomed, I shoot them! Each and every person who ventures into the outdoors, should have a minimum of knowing how to get some grub, or to fish to put something in your dish, or shoot straight, and if it comes to that, than always shoot them in the heart!
[ 32 ]
At least, at least, before the world ended that's how I was. But ain't shit alive now. Nothing alive nowadays!
Maybe a bug or two? He said to himself and looked sad, for a while, and then his face brightened up fast and the cowboy smiled and said :
I am a lucky sucker, for real! I found all this shit in my camp, buried and full of sand, but still good just like I left it.
I got two flashlights but the batteries are long dead. Luckily I found I had brought along just basics, to keep me together. Not just my coat, my guns, sword, Tits, and in my saddle bags, I found several bright color markers, flags, a mirror, whistles and my guitar!
All this shit, will help me, if I decide to stay alive. Distressed I've been, no jive, but with a little more luck, I'd, be OK!
Lucky some times I am, that is why I am still alive today! I, I guess?
I figured, better live out my days, a free dog, a wanted dog, doing what ever I wanted to do as a freeman, a free dog, than go back to thinking of shooting me, and become a dead dog!
Well, sir, the more time passed, I felt much better, much better now.
And broke into a happy cowboy song, singing :
" Yip pee eye a ah yo ooo!" " Yip pee eye a ah yo ooo!"
What's good for sucker, that ain't got no mother, to take care o him? A girl friends kiss at Mid night! A girl friends kiss at Mid night! " OH, Yip pee eye a ah yo!" " Yip pee eye a ah yo, Yip pee eye a. Yip pee eye a, OH, Yip pee eye a ah ooooooo !"
[ 33 ]
Now, ha, ha, ha,ha, he laughed going crazy, ain't so bad, compared to these little bugs, I got. They're survivors too!
I have fun with them. I catch em, and put them in my urine bottle, and I named them, Nicky, Becky, Little Rex, and Patricia! I think it's funny!
Ironic, isn't it? I, me, the big sneaky dog, that I be, robbing this here gold bars, to make my self rich, only to wind up out here abandoned and alone, in a ditch! Tell me, that ain't that a bitch! Sad, almost dead, picking boogers out my nose, picking up little buggers off the ground, to play with.
Bashing in their head! Gosh!
Dam, I don't like to think, think about, think about it! I have fallen so, so, so Goddam far! But no turning back, now! No one gives shit about me. And no one alive! No jive!
I take the bugs I caught, and toss em, in the hot frying pan!
I be drowning them, in my melted gold soup, in this big ass frying pan! See its kind of wild to see them, um, um er, first, they first, when they get in, they swell up, and dey pop, their eyes swell, pop, then they go snap bapple, crackle and pop, hammer dammer, tis fun, ta see, oh, Lordy me, Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha! Well, talking to myself, ain't no fun! Am I crazy or what? Don't answer that!
I catch them, and that was one surprised little bigger bugger. Ha, ha, ah, ha. I toss them in and waits to hear the little buggers scream! Ha, ha, ha!
But, anyhow there was this freaking sucker, that didn't want to scream! This one, this dude! I didn't hear a pip out o him! Nothing! Nothing from him at all. The frying pan was full to the brim, and hotter than cat in heat, looking for some meat! The pot was turning steamy yellow, steaming up little bubbles, in my melted gold soup, and I kept stirring the pot, with a twig, around and around. Watching all the buggers swim in it, before they drown! Man, it smelled good, I really do know how to cook! The soupy gold in the pot, was perkling, just perkling gently!
And sir, all I hears, was a little popping thats all. As the quiet bugger, that didn't want to say anything, sank down to the bottom. I can tell you this much. The last thing the sucker saw was me!
Bye, bye bugga! Bye bye, heh, ha, ha, ha!
I turned my head, looked up at the giant boat next to me, reaching for the sky and wondered for moment where on earth was I?
[ 34 ]
The sight of the Earth, floating above my head, and everything all crazy like, people all dead, only made me feel bad, sad, mad, shit! So, instead, I got back to what concerns me, hell with world. If the world had any sense it would still be here! I am! Anyway, . . . I looked around for more buggers, yes, more bugs, more buggas! I am crazy! But there ain't nobody around, so who cares? I don't! I dam sure don't!
Ha, aha,aha,aha ha! As I looked on the ground, I could see more bugs, and I looked up in the sky, and it was getting dark outside. Now, with the upper Earth blocking out the rays of the setting sun.
It seemed to grow darker faster! Twilight is the time I always liked best!
Soon as the sunsets, behind the hills, them little critters, them nocturnal, little buggers, done gone crawling out.
They moe zzy, out from under the rocks, real, real slowly like. They move their antennas around to the left, then to right, sniffing! Peek around to see whassup!
I tries to stay quiet like.
I like sitting down here, watching, them, with my legs crossed, and waiting for the little critters, to get the courage to come out.
Oh, ha, ha, ha, ha. The little critters, would come crawling out seeking the cool night air, and a chance to stretch their legs, Ha, ha, aha, They be fixing to hunt for their dinner, and me, well, I am fixing to hunt for them, they don't taste so bad!
Oh shit I am lying!. Ha, ha, ha, ha, oh, ha, ha! ha!
[ 35 ]
Oh boy, this is, heh heh ha, ha, I am having so much fun! Shucks, I needs, another drink!
Lets see, let me see here, well sir, I know I got a bottle in my saddle bag somewhere, why not celebrate this end of the world and drink to the world that'll come! Ha, ha, ha, oh boy, this is, this is so, this is so much crazy fun!
Too much, ha, ha! Well, sir, I, know I got a bottle in my saddle bag. Why, not celebrate this, ha, ha, ha!
Well, sir, I remember knocking my self out drinking, and drinking, and to top it off like dessert, I lit up a joint, strong shit!
Well, sir, I fell over, and felt dizzy. So, I got up, and I moved myself back, back a little, back a little ways from the roaring fire, from the campfire, and pulled out my coat, rolled it up into pillow ball shape, and laid my weary old head down, closed my two dead tired, red eyes, and fell fast asleep!
But lord knows, my mind was going spinning around and around.
And I, I began to see things, things a cowboy, never did, did see!
I dreamt, a decagon thing big, like a tree, covered with hair and shaped like a big long grayish white haired monkey man, with no neck was running, and it was a huge, maybe fifteen feet wide, with long arms looking like nasty ass ape! The way this picture was unfolding appears chaotic and uncertain, and full of things I never seen in my life before! The creature was down right scary, terrible looking, and amazingly strong, too! Boy ran fast! OH my God! He went from here to there in no time! He went into a neighbors yard, the dog ran after him, and he turned around and picked up the dog and dropped him in his big mouth, and was chewing on him like he was a candy bar! Dog stopped barking, you can believe that!
As the sucker ran, its shadow was trailing it in the distance, cause I could tell it clearly, by the long, long shadows, the setting sun was casting on the ground, all horizontal like. And suddenly, its higher-dimensional counterpart, came alive as some sort of continuous stretching and bending of the shadow, into a new shape that looked just like him, and the shadow, rose up off the ground.
[ 36 ]
And rose up to its feet, all black and hairy like, just the same size as him, and ran after him, and roared, like all thunder, in a deep awful horrendous sounding voice, scary enough to wake a dead man and make him stand up, It yelled : "†† DUCK††, duck!" WTF!
Then suddenly, the first thing, the first monster did was to swirl around quick, and confront its shadow!
So, it turned around, and appeared shocked to see it!
Seeing the other thing, it got raw hide angry, and the two things began to roar out, saying, Noohnh it, ahhhh immm noooor!
Then the other one said, "Houma ximva rick, aahhhriiuommm rosiammmaoh!"
And then, and then the creatures, who must of been, OMG, OH my God, ten, or twenty feet high, took a fighting stance and then began to fight each other, each with such brutal fierceness, and bloodthirstiness and ruthless ferocity. Boys were eating each other up, while they were standing up!
One guy, grabbed the other guys nose, and ripped it clean off his face! Ouch! I thought, that must of hurt! Suddenly, he hit the guy in the chest, fast, five times, and knocked him down. And then, the other guy, got back up, running and opened its mouth and pushed the guy back, and bit into the other guys chest, ripped out its heart, and ate it right in front of him!
He was growling and roaring, and screaming bloody murder! You know what I mean, boy was hurting.
He got pissed off, and that's when they really got into it, ripping and tugging, pulling each other hair, biting to kill, as the green blood spills, splashing in to puddles on the floor, along entrails and wiggly guts galore!
Messy? Lordy me! Tell me about it! Was something to see! Glad it ain't me!
The other one, upped, and grabbed the long hair of the other one, who had his mouth that opened up side ways, mind you, with a full set of big ass, sharks white teeth in it!
And he pitched forth to bite, the head of the shadow one, and ripped it half off!
But, the shadow dude ducked, he didn't want to get
[ Freaking messed ] anymore, and yelled out loud in a roar that must of reverberated, up to the moon and stars and the universe it self," ††Duck††,"
And reached down, and picked up a boulder the size of a [ Freaking ] truck, and bashed the thing in the mouth splitting it open!
Mountains of mush and blood, all greenish red came poring out splashing up in the air in big dribbles and rolling down his body as he screamed out in pain.
[ 37 ]
Then, the powerful blow, looked like one eyeballs just up and fell out.
The shadow hit him in his head, didn't stop hitting it and again with bullet speed, several times bashing, bashing hitting crunching it into the skull till the mighty beast fell back down to its knees, staggering!
The shadow grabbed it with one hand, and jabbed the stone in to its eye splitting its head open!
The mighty beast, roared.
I tell you, oh, my god, I never seen anything like this before!
I could not, I couldn't believe it! Its so real. I couldn't believe it. Then the thing fell down covered in blood, and then it roared, a loud, roar, sohiooooahhh, it was so loud, it shocked the air and me! And then, and then, the shadow thing barbed up and down like a vicious clown out for blood, and grabbed up another bigger boulder, and raised it in the air and pummeled it onto him with a big bang, boom crunch! And, lo and behold, it yelled as the mighty rock crushed him to death," ††duck.††"
And I tell you boy, if I hadn't of seen this, I would never of believed it, just up and split and became two things, two decagons only beefier, now, they got back up to their feets, and chased the black shadowy thing away, and ran, and then everything went black, and as it did, I heard in the pitched, darkness something yell out : " †† D U C K ††"
Now, shucks duck, mighty strange! Mighty strange in deed! Well, I didn't understand that at all.
Only ducks I know is the ducks I shoot to eat, why, I heard it, I heard clearly, ducks, I heard it, I heard, heard why, well, in the heat of a dream in the craziness of dream, well what, what I heard it, I did!
What I, a goddam strange ass dream, that was boy, tell ya dat much!
I tell you, must be, my mind, mind, must be, my mind going nuts, nut, nuts! Well, I opened my big mouth and yawned a bit! And spit! Seems, like I am still tired. I yawned some mo! But dam it, would be mighty, mighty hard for man to fall back to sleep, after taking a peek, at that, that creepy dam dream,
I thought to myself.
[ 38 ]
I heard, well, after while, I got my thoughts together. And I figured best, best to forget about it, those things, what ever I saw, must because of the shock of the planet going so nuts and all, that upset my poor brain, make me see and dream crazy stuff, making dream insane stuff, either that or I really am getting insaner.
It's so hard for me to tell, cause I ain't got nobody! I, is all alone, might well be dead I guess, wait I don't want to think about that, like that.
I promise, myself, well anyway I am just goner true, stay away about thinking like that. I want to live, shit! Anyways, I just gone to close my eyes back, and get some more shut eye, I said to my self, but then I, I, looked at the fire and it was just about was on its last. Only a few branches smoldering, so I guess, I don't want it to go out.
I'd feel better it was burning. I dam better get up, and, and scuffle around, and find some goddam wood. I gotta put some more fire wood on the damn thing! I had slipped in and out of my stupor and mind you, that scary dream was so powerful, I had a hard time getting it out of my mind.
Anyways, I said to my self, as I scurried around, walking away from the campsite, hunting for wood, I noticed a water hole not to far away. And, I looked up, straight up, and saw the earth was black in the sky directly over me! And as I looked sideways between the two earths, I could see stars. I could not tell, if the moon was out, cause the Earth was blocking the moon! I don't know, but as I walked away, I had breathed some fresh morning air in my lungs, and, and boy tell you, it, it sure enough helped clear up my poor head, no more the them brain fogs and brain freezes, seemed to have upped, and gone away.
Wow, the air smelled good, possibly them chemical, them good chemicals fumes leaking out, leaking out from the centers of the two earths! Hmmm boy! Yep! Must be, must be something new, something new, in this here new two earths air, I guess?
And I started. I started to think, to think a little more clearly. And I looked around at every thing, and then I thought, I heard a sound. A sound like something crying. Crying? Something like a cat. The sound was being carried by the breezes, that had suddenly started to blow from the back, where the morning light was coming. Some where I don't know. The Silhouette of the perimeter edge of the floating earth above, was kind of blocking the view of the sun rising, so it was strange looking, a light pale fogyish blue with just tint hint of yellow.
[39 ]
Early morning, and shit, I never seen this before one earth up and one earth I am walking on. I must say, since all this was new, this'll be the first time the sun every rose up on the halves of the earths before. I didn't know what to think, then I heard it again. A cat, or a something crying that sounded like a cat, but this was the strangest goddam cat sound I ever did hear. It sound like, well, like it was dead and was calling to someone, shit, I hope it ain't me. I just couldn't handle it. I' been through so much goddam shit.
And, I just could not, I just don't think I can handle any more crap like that. Anyway I walked away from the site a good ways, and I and something told me to turn around. I looked back and it was then, I realized, where I had been. I had been sitting and sleeping right up next to that boat, and it was one goddam big ass ship, too. I said dam, big!
Boy, I don't want to think about it, but maybe, somebody , maybe somebody might be, not alive but, maybe I could search and fine some of the dead folks belongings! After all, they ain't gone be needing stuff! Fuel, some new rags, perhaps grubs, food, can stuff, wine then clothes who knows, I will be ornery enough to use dead folks clothes if got to be cleaner, cause, I know I must be smelling like tim buck too! And surely, surely they got be some bottle of liquor too. Well, I don't got no flashlight, cause my batteries are dead, but when morning comes, this cowboy going exploring!
The winds was refreshing, in the early dawn, but ever so often, once in a while a faint, barely audible sound blew in sounding like, "meowwwwwwwwwwwddddddddddddduck!"
[ 40 ]
Stay tuned for Chapter 3! To continue scroll below.
Hi, Madcow sammy, here! Well stay tuned, they are coming for him, the guys in the white coats, and as for me Madcow Sammy, I am going boy, as fast as I can! This stuff is getting much too, heavy for my stupid brain, I just might have to consult with Toni! I gotta go, I got another tweet bye, bye, adios, adieu, abschied, 告別 ,告别 ,작별, 別れ ,Прощай ,الوداع ,veda , addio ,Żegnaj, bye bye, to da loo!
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